....I'd love to, but I'm too scared! - Just the other week I was on the receiving end of the most aggressive outburst to date, I thought I'd had em all. What made it so unnerving was the fact, to me my set was working really well, floor busy, floor thinned but 'working' it nicely so it was so unexpected especially when I tell you what record was playing when this bloke shouted "Why don't you f*ckin' play something they like?" ......'The Dynamics - I Need Your Love'....I think I must just have 'one of those faces' god knows, but it didn't half shake me.
Later he lectured me, he’d been to Wigan etc, etc, I didn’t want to let on that he’d got to me so I heartily agreed with his ‘wisdom’ and to round it off nicely, he said “Don’t worry ‘son’ you got potential!” — Much to all my mates’ amusement!
Later of course it sank in - How f*ckin rude!?!!! and ignorant, all the hard work that goes into a set - Why do we bother? springs to mind sometimes...
All the best,