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Len last won the day on August 15 2023

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About Len

  • Birthday 30/08/1970

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  • Top Soul Sound
    The Debonaires - How's Your New Love Treating You

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  • A brief intro...
    Not sure what to put here -  A 100 Club regular for many years, although I don't get down there as much as I used to (Life gets in the way don't it?) My 'Golden Years' were the 90's - Winsford, Wilton, The 100 Club, Albrighton, The Ritz Manchester (Boxing night was fantastic!), along with the few various Soul nights that were dotted about - A time when we all went to the same places / and there was respect between promoters i'm still 'doing it' as much as I can, it's not the same as it was for me, but I still make the most of when I do go out! The best scene / the best people! Cheers, Len 

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  1. Hi Troy, Just so aware, if you hover your mouse over anyone's name above you will see their profile pop up. You can click and visit people's profiles to learn a bit about them, and you can message people by clicking on 'Message' at the bottom when you hover. If you hover over 'Guest', nothing happens, which means they are no longer active on the site (His post is from 2005) Welcome to the site. Len
  2. I think you may be talking about 'The Scala' on Pentonville Rd, London around 1999 - Ran by Ion (It was a one off event) Len
  3. About three month's ago I (begrudgingly) joined a group called 'Be Military Fit'. We start at 6.00am three mornings a week, no matter what the weather, and I can't believe the difference it has made to my head space. I honestly feel a lot more positive, it's quite unbelievable actually. And of course, as we get older, this particular workout is good to keep the ol' joints moving. I can't recommend this enough (See link below) https://www.bemilitaryfit.com/ Len
  4. I’ve thought for a long time that I’m done with all this. But it keeps pulling me back god darn it! I went out disco dancing to a local do sat night (The Athletic Club at Rushden) I had low expectations as I’m not in the mood for it, but honestly, talk about a reminder as to why this Scene is so great! I had a real ‘northern soul moment’ actually - I was DJing early on, and after (in my head) the fantastical musical journey I took them on, I thought it best to get em dancing (because there was a dance floor there) So, I played some real ‘go get em’ known tunes, and I didn’t speak on the mic for 4 or 5 records on the trot! (That works don’t it Mick?) I could tell that lots of the people there had some history (doesn’t matter if you haven’t btw) This guy was dancing his socks off - As a record ended, he caught my eye, as if to say…“Jeeze’ I’m knackered”…I simply winked at him as I started the next tune (‘The Dynamics - I Need Your Love’), he threw back a huge grin, flung his arms in the air as if to say…“Here we go again!”…and carried on dancing. Yes, most of us are older now, so no way is it ever going to be as exciting and vibrant as it once was for many, but there is still ‘magic’ there. Because of all the years gone by, the result is actually quite special (Just different now) In answer to ya question - All three options in the same room ('Light and shade') where we all just embrace good music. I feel good today, because of Sat night’s adventure Len
  5. That's great. As you say, and I can imagine, not easy, but you both put your children first, which minimised any damage a divorce can do to them. My elder sister and her husband went out for a meal with his ex-wife and her new husband spending his last child support payment on the meal for them all - Bizarre but how nice! Again, theirs' was a 'rocky road' at first, but then the dust settled ref all the strong emotions, and they soon put the children first. I only know how hard my situation has been for me, I'm deeply effected, and even had vivid nightmares over the years. But I can't begin to imagine what my children are now thinking, how can they unpick a mindset of over 20 years? I know it won't be like 'flicking a switch', and it won't be good for them to suddenly go against their mum (That would be a shallow victory for me) I'm thinking that my Son (The youngest, so doesn't remember anything) will be quicker at dealing with it - I just hope so much that he visits my mum (his gran) before it's too late for her (She's now in her 80's) A few years back, my mum and dad drove over 200 miles to Blackburn to be prayed for by one of those evangelical preachers about all this - Whether you are religious or not, that just tells you how much these situations can hurt so many people. Bless em (literally!)
  6. Nice to hear Dave. I know someone who has been visiting his daughter at a Visitor Centre under supervision for 4 years. Can you imagine having someone sat there taking notes at every visit? That can't be good for the child. The strain of it all is taking it's toll on my friend. The grandparents in this case went to court for their separate access, only to be told they too had to have supervised visits at a Visitor Centre - They are lovely people, it just doesn't make sense (They declined the ludicrous offer) I understand that the people making these decisions can't take risks (if there is anything untoward involved) but seems to me that they are making these decisions from some sort of guide with no thought to the human element. I don't know.
  7. A message of hope to (usually) Dads Without sharing personal details, having no choice in the matter (Court being so one sided etc) I haven’t seen my children from my first marriage for 22 years. Not one day has gone by without me thinking of them, and the struggle of (luckily) having a happy life with my now wife and two more kids, against the depression and guilt of not being around for them, and missing them terribly, has been so hard. My Dad was a Children's entertainer, and a lovely man, but died never seeing them again (No one considers the grandparents) Unfortunately, there is a lot of this about, and some (usually) dad's lives have been ruined by it. They either turn to drink, or in some cases sadly commit suicide. I waited until my children were adults, then wrote to them every so often ‘chipping away’ at changing their mindset about me. Finally, on Sunday 6th August, I met both my son and daughter in Bristol, and we had a wonderful re-union, which will now be built on. This thread must not turn in to a 'women hating' exercise. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors, but my opinion is - No matter what mum and dad think of each other, it is so important for children to know that both parents love them, and for regular contact to be established. My message to any (usually) dads out there going through this, is never give up hope. This nature thing is really powerful, so one day you will be reunited. When this happens, do not dwell on the past, what's done is done. It is much better to focus on the future, a strong close relationship will soon follow. I am now waking up feeling so different about life, it's unbelievable. I expect some of you can relate to this - Please share this message of hope to anyone you know who is going through a similar situation. Len.
  8. Hi Ted, Firstly, like everyone else, my heart goes out to you. The records aside, this unpleasant experience is devastating. It’s bad enough being burgled, but having intruders whilst you are there, I cannot imagine. Then there is the loss of your lifetime’s commitment, your records. Each and every one of them meaning so much to you. I got burgled many moons ago, and this was while I was out at a Soul do. It was two weeks before I was getting married (first time), the house had been trashed, and they nicked the wedding rings, leaving the empty ring boxes on our pillows (I should have seen that omen!) I then noticed that my record box that I DJed from had been opened as the latches were undone - I felt sick, shot over to see what was missing, and the comedy side of this being……”Oh, they didn’t even take one!”…….I was quite offended, and half expected a tape from the burglars to drop through the letterbox the next day Ted, you are in all our thoughts. If there is a ‘just giving’ page set up, can someone add the link to this thread? It would be great if we were to enable Ted to replace some of his records. But let’s not give up hope just yet. All the best, Len.
  9. Sean Adams - One of the greatest characters that we have ever had the pleasure to know. Thanks for being you! RIP 100 Club Member No 1 Len 'n' Nina x
  10. Couldn't agree more, Cressa Watson sounds like Lulu to me. Robert Thomas wins! (Sorry wrong thread) Len
  11. Hiya, and welcome to the site. Hopefully some info from members will get posted for you. All the best, Len
  12. Hiya, There's one here - Len
  13. Hi Tom, There's one currently on the John Manship auction (Auction ends on 13th October) Len
  14. Who really knows nowadays Tony? Hope you bag the record Macey. Len

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