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Posts posted by Chaoswomanuk

  1. First one I remember was the Adlibs - Nothing worse than being alone.

    Dave Godin lent it to John Bollen and Franny O'Brien to get played in the Yorkshire Clubs around 1970.


    I also remember this tune being played at The Wheel about 1970, it was one of my faves took me ages after The Wheel closed to find out who it was!!!


  2. Dear all,

    just to invite y'all to tune in or logon to a new radio show on the South Coast's very own Passion Radio 87.7FM or www.passionradio.co.uk. We're based in Brighton but the show should reach from Eastbourne to Bognor to Horsham on FM - also soon to be on DAB or listen via webstream on the site.

    Sunday Night Soul 6 ~ 9pm:

    6~7 Soulfull House/US Garage classics

    7~8 Crossover & Northern

    8~9 70's soul classics & Deep ballads

    So please join me in unwinding, after yet another hectic week.. :yes:

    Steve McMahon.

    Hello Steve,

    I wil be tuning in via the internet again this Sunday, keep up the good work............ :yes:


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