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Reg Scott

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Everything posted by Reg Scott

  1. For Sale: Masqueraders – The Truth Is Free - Stairway S72 /EX // £40 Payment by PayPal / Tracked Postage At Cost..
  2. People: This is up as an auction item on a well know site: VALUE PLEASE: Artist: BILLY STORM D Title: PLEASE DON'T MENTION HER NAME Label: HBR So is this a big re-activated 45 - I know it was played at Stafford but ??? The write up on it goes thus: BEAUTIFUL CONDITION BLUE PROMO OF THIS STAFFORD CLASSIC THAT HAS BECOME A BIG RE-ACTIVATED OLDIE IN RECENT MONTHS.. I'm always fascinated when I read huge/big re-activated etc
  3. Hi, Looking for nice clean copy [EX or better if possible] of the following: Timmy Thomas- Its What They Cant See / Ebony Affair (Glades 1730) Please state condition of the vinyl and label - any marks, wear etc... Fast payment for the right item. Please PM replies or Email: hotwire747-clearvinyl@yahoo.co.uk Thanks in advance...
  4. But that was quite an anomaly given the popsike average.. Funny thing was Nev a few on FB were doubting it would reach a decent price on JM - but it's quality both sides so me thinks tales of the death of Mr Simmons have been overestimated ;-)
  5. Mighty Lovers - Ain't Gonna Run No More - Soulhawk Many thanks..
  6. Offer Mons Dobson a bribe of fine real ales Chalky and I'm sure he'd oblige This tune in the manner of it's release, rather than the tune itself, is a very similar thing that happened with the Rotations (Rotations - We Want Freedom - Emandolyn) another tune that deserves to be heard more imhumbleo
  7. The El Corols - Chick, Chick - Tiny Thanks..
  8. Anybody got a copy of this to sell.. JONAH THOMPSON control / i've got things to do Label: AUTHENTIC 3509 Thanks..
  9. This one please: Wayne Carter - Peter In Or Out - Mootrey's Thanks..
  10. Price / Availability on this one please: Wayne Carter - Peter In Or Out - Mootrey's Thanks..
  11. Not quite Dave but I agree the thread has been extended far too widely - it was specifically about the proliferation of look-a-like re-issues done legally - I simply don't understand the necessity to replicate the look of the original 45 and the potential issues that may arise by reputable companies hence my surprise at the Secret Stach bonus 45 in this case. Absolutely nothing to do with value. Kegsy seemed to miss the point of the original post, or maybe it wasn't clear enough, and turn it in to a hugely diverse discussion of bootlegs, re-issues in general, profiteering, duty to the artist, duty to the public, the work of companies bringing new and unissued material etc ad infinitum. Inevitably, everybody has picked up on there specific gripe area and run with it..
  12. Not vitriol Dave merely an opinion.. I'm not in to collecting for the kudos - I can't afford the 45's that are required to gain it :-) I collect the records for the music yes, but also to hold a historical physical artefact. You do your thing with Soul Junction but nobody is going to be fooled by your output - they are clearly re-issued. The further argument that people re-issue correctly [legally] I take as given with Secret Stash, Kent, yourself etc and where 'new'/'unissued' material is brought to the public it should be commended. However, why the need for a replica release of one of the more difficult M-PAC releases? It's this tendency to create replica style re-issues I disagree with - for authenticity purposes not for any worry about valuing/devaluing the 'original'.
  13. I truly think collecting is being further undermined from what seem to be reputable sources. I know we've had boots, counterfeits, repros and re-issues since the beginning but now the reproductions are coming thick and fast and on some items you wonder "why this one.." Now Secret Stash are releasing more M-PAC material that includes a 'bonus single' which is one of the tougher 45's to pick up being Willie Parker's "I've Got To Fight It,". I know I might be an anorak but this shit gets on my (add rude word here) Apologies for the rant!! https://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=e3fa0ab8-a2f2-4987-b991-c7313fa7ecab&c=9e619ad0-4839-11e4-8bad-d4ae52733d3a&ch=9f4236d0-4839-11e4-8bc0-d4ae52733d3a
  14. Got to love Fee - like something from a futuristic cartoon..
  15. NOW SOLD - Thanks for your interest..
  16. Anyone interested in this as a lot pm me.. (45's as pictured)
  17. This has already started Ian, albeit in a very small way, in Manship's 6th Edition where the Eddie Parker I'm Gone Awake counterfeit is listed and valued.. But I disagree the original vinyl collecting of the future looks as bleak as you paint it, apart from the very high-end items, the sheer volume of quality 45's and the pleasure of the original physical object will continue. The argument continues as it has for decades..
  18. Very fair prices dog
  19. I was just going to post a very similar question.. I have both the World release and the Sound Gems release and both are definitely legit.. The guide price, as in many cases, is way behind on the value of this 45 due to current demand - and I agree the Sound Gems doesn't turn up at all as often .. Price wise I think £150 ponds for the World release and, imho, it should be £175 on Sound Gems.
  20. Out and out carvers with counterfeit labels are exactly that and made to decieve and thieve from the unsuspecting in many cases. I really don't agree with all these 'legit' look-a -like re-issues either, it leaves too much room for abuse by unscrupulous sellers. For example, Tramp have done many - too many imho - 'replica'/repros Little Gregory, Rudy Lambert, etc etc and now Rising Sun but so have companies like Numero.. Just saying like
  21. I was at the DS gig with a few friends from Belgium and they loved the tunes played and so did we - as I said to you Gaz S.O.U.L sounded great heard out as did Bobby King & The Relation.. The mix of tunes from the higher end of the financial spectrum like Willie Dale all the way through to tunes like those mentioned above made for a great night!! Keep on keeping on (or is that an overstated cheap salutation?) Reg (Greg) Scott..
  22. Hi, Looking for nice clean copy [EX or better if possible] of the following: Melvin Bliss — Reward / Synthetic Substitution - Sunburst (OG) or Contempo Please state condition of the vinyl and label - any marks, wear etc... Fast payment for the right item. Please PM replies or Email: hotwire747-clearvinyl@yahoo.co.uk Thanks in advance...
  23. Hi, Looking for nice clean copy [EX or better if possible] of the following: SUGAR HILL / WOMEN CAN DO IT / DOWN HOME RECORDS Please state condition of the vinyl and label - any marks, wear etc... Fast payment for the right item. Please PM replies or Email: hotwire747-clearvinyl@yahoo.co.uk Thanks in advance...
  24. If being a 'mod record' precluded a 45 crossing over to the 'northern scene' then many tunes being played at the moment or past would not get turntable time..

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