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Reg Scott

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Everything posted by Reg Scott

  1. I know it's a West Coast recording and I agree with you Kev that it's definitely got a white feel..
  2. Forgot about that Chalky mate Thanks for adding it to your soundcloud -much appreciated! Best, Greg.
  3. Hello People, Can anyone give me any background on this record I picked up (not much on google etc) I've spoken to a few knowledgeable people and they've not been able to identify the 45 Basically, I'd like to know if it is it known or not and any opinion on it will be welcome. The mp3 file is attached, have a listen and see what you think! Thanks in advance..
  4. Hi, Looking for nice clean EX/NM copy of the following: COLLEEN LANZA - Don't Lean On Me - Merph 1001 Please state condition of the label and vinyl - any marks, wear etc... Fast payment via Paypal for the right item. Please PM replies. Thanks in advance... Greg.
  5. Hi, Looking for nice clean EX+/NM only copy of the following: ANDREWS, H. (HAROLD) - It Took You - Balance 2020 Please state condition of the label and vinyl - any marks, wear etc... Fast payment via Paypal for the right item. Please PM replies. Thanks in advance... Greg.
  6. Many good points raised. For me, both the collecting scene and club attendance will continue but I'm convinced the nature of many nights will change in the UK toward the structure of nights that are dominant in Europe, which play an eclectic mix of tunes and attract both younger crowds and dj's. From what Callum is saying, the night he promotes does tend to follow that approach. This, of course, does not exclude more mature attendees nor does it mean the end of oldies or rare soul venues that attract younger attendees. From my experience, with my 20 year old, who is very much into the music we love, this more diverse playlist approach is more attractive. Ultimately, it will be diversity and quality that will generate interest and ensure longevity (I Hope )
  7. Very good price for one of the more rare and a very good version..
  8. Hi, Looking for nice clean EX+/NM only copy of the following: JON LUCIEN - WOULD YOU BELIEVE IN ME RCA 0038 (EP) RASHIDA 45 promo EP Please state condition of the label and vinyl - any marks, wear etc... Fast payment via Paypal for the right item. Thanks in advance... Greg.
  9. Anglo American Records (Tim's) on-line resource does give a 'price guide' but you will often find his own prices differ from the guide. However, still worth a look..
  10. Carbon copy of my choices more or less; however, a special nod for Mr Dobson 'Butch' who always manages to find the tunes that fit time and place without being a sanctimonious smart arse..
  11. One of the best responses from a unit for vinyl is via a Soundburger, fresh head and belts helps, with either decent headphones or a reasonable set of PC ourput speakers. When I play my 45's through my main Arcam system it never gives that authentic feel..
  12. Great tune, but it was the flip "Love (your Pain Goes Deep)" for me that demostrated the depth available.. And one more is both sides,equally great, of Barbara Mills classic Queen Of Fools / (make It Last) Take Your Time - Hickory
  13. Seen that happen a few times Nev - seems people focus on a seller and get carried along when there's a much cheaper BIN sitting somewhere else.. Nowt as queer as folk..
  14. Very very nice price for someone on this classic: Vontastics - Let Me Down Easy/I'm The Only One You Need - Toddlin' Town 115 Both vinyl and labels Mint never played £6.00
  15. Not a soul tune but one of the best and most influential ever in rock: Muddy Waters - You Need Love >>> Small Faces - You Need Loving >>> Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love Awsome..
  16. Patto I take it that's a typo on the Roy Hamilton title
  17. Yes Dylan, noticed especially in the last 6 months or so. Also noticed the membership number has shot up in the last couple of years - can only be good! Only point I would raise is the price of records has increased substantially so building a collection is bloody expensive if your going for 'now' tunes, much better if the new collectors dig into the huge number of brilliant reasonably priced 45's. Just as an example, for between £5 - £10
  18. Great tune at a very fair price - Canadian release only...
  19. Real nice crossover femme tune! I've deinitely seen it for double.. No commission involved
  20. Popcorn is, to my knowledge, a genre made popular in Belgium (originally known as "Belgian Popcorn") and consists of number of sub-genres - blue-eyed soul, 60's pop, R&B and the genre now known as New Breed R&B.. There's huge range of tunes that fall under this umbrella. Here are a couple of links for you: https://www.acerecords.co.uk/content.php?page_id=59&release=7742
  21. The Monique is the tuffer one on your wants,, either the gold or coloured, and what a record! If you get more offers then let me know as I need a nice clean copy to replace mine.. Good luck!
  22. Great TUNE... The kind a serious DJ (SS, Butch etc could play...) It shouldn't be to hard finding a copy at the moment so best of luck..
  23. Hi Jim Got a copy if your still looking £40 plus post. ATB Greg.
  24. Thanks gents, IMO, it is the no-credit NM stamp that is the more elusive. Regards..
  25. Apologies for raising this one again but I'm looking for a definitive position on originality and rarity - if possible. There were two copies of Edward Hamilton - Baby Don't You Weep - Mary Jane for sale as of Wednesday this week. The first on JM's auction and the second on Brownie's site. In Brownies description it states "Nashville stamped original and presented in its rarest form with the Mike Terry credit.." ie "A Mike Terry Arr." on the label In JM's auction copy the description states: "NOTE this copy is not only "perfect" it is also the rarely seen label variation with the "Mike Terry" crediting omitted.." From the above post JM states that both originals come from the same masterplate so in which description is the more accurate in terms of the assertion of rarity. As for originality I'm assuming that both designs are defined as original from the Nashville stamp given the existence of a coloured counterfeit. So as far as desirability is concerned the copy without the Mike Terry credit with a Nashville stamp seems to be the one to have as it's a non-counterfeited stamped original design.. Comments for / against or to further clarify are very welcome!

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