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Everything posted by Reedy

  1. Sounds really great, can’t wait for it to arrive
  2. Evening everyone, Just been spinning a few in the record room, nothing too fancy Just thought I would share them with you 1. The Imaginations - I love you more ( Than Anyone) - Bacon Fat 2. Big Jay McNeely - Oh, What A Fool - Swinging 3. The Naturals - Color Him Father- Shout 4. David King Thomas- You Better Investigate - Jetsteam 5. The Volcanos - Storm Warning - Arctic 6. The Furys - What Is Soul - Mack IV 7. The Gifts - You Can’t Keep Love In A Broken Heart - Ballard 8. Mill Evans - I’ve Got To Have Your Love - Constellation 9. The Ascots - Miss Heartbreaker- M.B.S. 10. Syl Johnson- Falling In Love Again - TMP-Ting Hope there’s one or two people might like All the best Reedy
  3. Ok how about Nabay believe it or not, also a short but great one Bobby Reed baby don’t leave me apologies if mentioned earlier and I’ve missed them
  4. Don’t know Ted at all but I hope he is ok and that his records are returned to him ASAP and in the same condition they were when taken, hopefully the scumbags who stole them will be caught and dealt with accordingly, hopefully this was a one off and that DJ’s aren’t going to have to start looking over their shoulder when arriving home to make sure they haven’t been followed by some arsehole intent on stealing their collection, we don’t need this sort of thing happening on the Soul scene or anywhere else.
  5. Helped me out with an issue I had and got it sorted really quick, good luck for the future James.
  6. Hi is Gene chandler still available Cheers Steve

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