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Marc Forrest

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Everything posted by Marc Forrest

  1. Can anyone give me a rough idea on value ? Thought about it beding 50ish ? TIA Marc
  2. I would say yes...the flipside already always packs the floor here in Berlin and is a fiorm favourite amongst the Hip City regulars when I spin it
  3. Mate off mine bought a Arin Demain two years ago for under 600 UKP, Sam Williams is around 800 UKP in minz minus, don`t know about the Melvin Davis though... Marc
  4. Leftovers heavily reduced in price now ! Little Wilma Boydstein "You Better Tell Me Who" Tra-x Mint minus, killer R&B doublesider on the same label as "Dr. Truelove", very scarce, 200 UKP (This is just as good as it gets, same label as but five numbers before "Dr. Truelove", if you don`t know it I can play it down the phone) Benny Curtis "Make It Now" Bridges Mint minus, killertune, 80 UKP (100 UKP on Manships and everywhere else) Roger Wade "Little Girl" Thelma VG+, rarer first release before Harmon Rec., on Manships and everywhere double this price 30 UKP
  5. So true in all aspects.
  7. ...and up for sale here /index.p...&st=0&p=152117&
  8. Here`s an update Mable King "Go Home Young Fella" Amy Mint SOLD Mable King "When We Get The Word" Amy Mint SOULED Little Wilma Boydstein "You Better Tell Me Who" Tra-x Mint minus, killer R&B doublesider on the same label as "Dr. Truelove", very scarce, 200 UKP or best offer Benny Curtis "Make It Now" Bridges Mint minus, killertune, 100 UKP Benny C Oliver "Make It Now" Ojobco Mint minus, same artist and tune but this is the rarer (and better ?) version, kilertune too, 150 UKP Soul Brothers "Come On And Love Me" GD Mint minus, 50 UKP Roger Wade "Little Girl" Thelma VG+, rarer first release before Harmon Rec., on Manships and everywhere double this price 50 UKP Idols "Just A Little Bit More" Reville Mint minus SOLD
  9. At least we agree on it Pete
  10. One is west coast (right one) the other east coast pressing. Both original (mine looks exactly like yours).Great doublesider ! Marc
  11. Hi, again some very nice R&B Monsters for your listening pleasure Mable King "Go Home Young Fella" Amy Mint, 100 UKP on lists, 75 UKP Mable King "When We Get The Word" Amy Mint, her other rel., unknown, 30 UKP Little Wilma Boydstein "You Better Tell Me Who" Tra-x Mint minus, killer R&B doublesider on the same label as "Dr. Truelove", very scarce, 200 UKP or best offer Benny Curtis "Make It Now" Bridges Mint minus, killertune, 100 UKP Benny C Oliver "Make It Now" Ojobco Mint minus, same artist and tune but this is the rarer (and better ?) version, kilertune too, 150 UKP Soul Brothers "Come On And Love Me" GD Mint minus, 50 UKP Roger Wade "Little Girl" Thelma VG+, rarer first release before Harmon Rec., on Manships and everywhere double this price 50 UKP Idols "Just A Little Bit More" Reville Mint minus, starting to take off, Richard Berry penned, 100 UKP pm or email me please if you find sth you like at marc.forrest@gmx.net. Only paypal payments, sorry. Many thanx !
  12. No, not me...and I remember it not being in the Steeltown discography
  13. Funnily enough I was remembering you saying that already some time ago while I was typing in my statement... ...but right you are...
  14. The Lupine release has a Vegas adress on and is on dark blue label design with silver lettering. It is definitely before the MM release and has a different and way better flipside...its the Empire tune "Things Will Be Better"
  15. ..or less ? I don`t think so...150 was the very little I have seen it changing hnads for. Usually 150 USD plus
  16. I only know of three copies: Mine, Mick Smith and one that was on ebay middle last year. Tim Brown and Butch haven`t got one. Marc
  17. Thats maybe because that scene is already where the Northern Scene may be at in five or ten years time...the (old) hardcore collectros have it already or do not care anymore to get such a 45 for 1500 and there are no (t enough) young collectors around who care for 1. original vinyl 2. rarities3. big money to pay for such records in question. just a thouhgt anyhow and if this 45 reaches 2500 I am proven wrong anyway
  18. By all due respect "Cristina"...especially for your investment of time and energy to register here only to look for Dan`s next gigs (...)... neither did the German nor the Japanese Soul Scene need at any place in time any kind of "eductaion" or initial push forward thru Dan or any other person. Rare Soul was in Germany (and of course Japan) more then 15 years before Dan started his own events or even found his interest for the music in general. And to my knowledge he is not having any gigs at all currently except for the one he was organizing this year in Damp. The fact that this one was (sadly enough though) going to be another fiasco was foreseeable for different reasons. However I wish the best of luck for his new plan to put it up again in 2006 then. This thread started out as "showing off" which is what it wasn`t in the first place. Then it became insulting thru one certain poster which forced me to say a word but now indeed it has become somehow a "just showing off"...so that is what forced me (again) to put one or two things right. I hope you ddon`t mind. TIA Marc NB Who still wants a full weekend(er) of three nights of exclusive Rare Soul here in Germany in late autumn should go the Frankfurt Uptight Allnighter starting on a friday with a 6ts Rares Soul night offering a 1000 people capacity two room allnighter on the sunday (incl. Terry Jones, Arthur Fenn, MS Dienel and many others incl. me) and finishing on a sunday with a Modern Soul Nighter at a terriffoic third venue ! www.uptight.org
  19. It is in the latest guide at 150 and in the one before at "only" 75 which I tend to believe is a right price. The last two I saw for sale went for a hundred. As it was a "quick sale" 75 UKP seemed to be a good price and interest proofed me right. Still have another copy in and for my collection, so you can guess I still like it Although I haven`t played that out since 1993. BUT I still need a copy of their "I Don`t Know About You"... What`s a realistic price for this one ? Marc
  20. 25 UKP should get you a copy...very moody and atmospheric tune
  21. Berlin, Germany you funny guys you

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