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Everything posted by JOHNNYBETCHA

  1. Funny this - I've had this conversations about this before - there must be missus's up and down the country who think all northern soul records cost a fiver!! and hear "erm don't worry luv I should get at least £100 pound for it" on a regular basis! or even - "is that new? (record) - "nah, i've had it for years"
  2. in reply to someone who asked if the pubs still there - well yes it is I was in there a few days ago!! They also used to have a fantastic R&B club there as well and had most of the best local groups on. They still have groups on now and again upstairs. I went up to have a nostalgic look at the room and I tell you what it looks absolutely bloody tiny!
  3. i've got a copy of little anthony - refund - as a two sided demo on fairmont if anyones interested - i'll swop it for a copy of tammi lynn's "psunnammi"
  4. i gotta tell you its hard! i've just spent 13 years in Sing Sing for a crime i didn't commit and luckily my soullly mate supplied me with 205 dvd's filled with northern soul songs and ive listened to em constantly. - i really enjoyed the experience and have learned to dance in a 3ftx3ft space - the overall winner was third finger left hand and get on your knees was second - but my wife says i've lost the plot - i say i like wba and remeber the casino as a cultural experience - reckon i can be cured?
  5. i dont care what you call it its absolutely fuckin crap - nothing at all to do with the criteria thats essentially called northern soul - its a hybrid song that was played and people liked it as an alternative at the time as all the other absolute shite played at wigan
  6. Personally i don't think any of us has anything to worry about - young people today live in a NOW culture and aren't interested in anything that was released or happened last year - never mind thirty or forty years ago!! Also most of em are chavs and they're far too idle to dance!! Imagine doing back flips with all that bling on - they'd whip themselves to death with plastic dollar signs!
  7. are you on drugs or somat? its a veritable northern stronghold - and apart from that wednesfield, bilston and bushbury are all parts of wolverhampton you numty!!!!
  8. This Old Heart Of Mine was probably the record that got me into it as well - first heard it in the King Mark disco in Newquay in 1968 on holiday and I was hooked, line and sinker - them fellas cost me a small fortune! I could have bought me a castle with the money i've spent since then! If youre like me you change your mind as the years go on - I remember creaming myself over the Invitations and getting blown away at the Catacombs by That Beatin' Rythmn but if I had to choose it'd probably be The Marvelettes I'll Keep Holding On - has this got the shortest intro ever?!!
  9. The whole lyrics of Milton Wrights I Belong to You are cringingly embarrassing - great song tho?!!!!!

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