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Everything posted by JOHNNYBETCHA

  1. Do The Del Viking (Part 1) - Patrice Holloway - strangely enough i've found this on a Brenda Holloway CD!!!
  2. i've got this on an mp3 - i'll convert etc and post it tomorrrow - its great init - actually called "We let go of a beautiful thing" - good guess 2.10 !!!!
  3. I remember the Del Rio very well. My mom and dad heard about it being a drug den and told me not to go anywhere near the place ha ha - yeah right!! Music was played downstairs on a jukebox filled with some absolutely fantastic sounds. I can still picture selecting the Fascinations ""Girls . . "" and watching it picked up and play - still love the record as much today!
  4. h'mmmm - i'd liken Wigan to Primark - a great big fuckin place where theres loads of people you wish were fuckin somewhere else - cheap and cheerful but not exactly the real deal and you know its all a bit tacky!!! ha ha ha
  5. I bought The Monitors LP also from Woolworths but in the Walsall branch. I also got Bobby Taylor and the Originals from there as well - I think they were 10/6 or somat ridiculous - happy days ay!!!
  6. if any of that crap was anything to go by i'm bloody glad the bbc has wiped it off!
  7. absolutely wonderful voice - up there with the best! RIP
  8. So have you been in the pub all day or have you started early?
  9. Must agree - its been a favourite of mine for years!
  10. surprised nobody's mentioned Bobby Lynn's Earthquake! virtually undanceable to!
  11. I do think its a good idea to watch and learn from others - unfortunately for me I copied my brothers dancing styles - they were both Morris dancers!!!!
  12. anybody know who was actually responsible for the sych'd clips on youtube of the contours record played over the nicholas brothers film and the same brothers with run for cover - they were absolutely fantastic and i could watch em over and over. wonder why the genius responsible stopped? i know a couple of others exist but surely theres scope for more?
  13. i was assured recently that skiing in the snow was first played at the staffordshire yeoman
  14. first time i saw bowling shirts was at the top rank - a few weeks later there were fuckin hundreds of em for sale at the oasis market in brum!! great times and a very underrated venue!
  15. So tell us about this Agincourt place then. Was it a Northern Soul club way back? Was there always lots of trouble there? Did you have to leave your bows and arrows at the door?
  16. I tried dancing to a Beethoven symphony once - i was on the dancefloor for six f***ing hours!
  17. The moon - now there's a soulless place if ever there was one - no atmosphere at all!!
  18. The Corvetts is absolutely brilliant!!
  19. very, very sad news - i've just got back from a weekend away and am really shocked by this terrible news. The Cats was a magical place - thanks Max for helping make it so. R.I.P.
  20. yes it does sound like a casino track - and a lot of that was pure shite as well!!
  21. Didn't General Melchett say this to Blackadder?!!
  22. he was djing at the Holt Suite - his set was from 7-1 - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!
  23. wouldn't we look just a little bit gay me and you dancing on our own?!!

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