Bearsy he loves you!!
I however do not as he was fast asleep & slept through the postie knocking at this ungodly hour!!!!
He's a well happy boy..
Claire xxxx
There we go finishes tomorrow ..
Bob Sinclar - "Tribute "
Claire xx
On the mend thank you, back at work in the morning.
Kev put me on to the album a few weeks ago that was for sale & I'm kicking myself for not buying it.
I prefer the album version over the 12'".
See you Boxing Day if not before mate.
Steve J
Would the admission price have any bearing if all tracks played should be ovo or not? Just a thought as the cheapest i know about is £2.00 but a lot seem to charge £5.00 for soul nights in the East Midlands.
Claire xxx
I've been asked to ask this question coz Steve is up the ladder decorating ..
He wants to know if it's ok to play Melba Moore " Magic Touch " on Horace , as many do ..
Claire xxx
Love this record..
I asked for a copy a few months ago & someone gave me a link for Juno records ..
It was played out Saturday night & filled the floor.
Good luck with your hunt ..
Claire xxx
I'm gonna miss my local radio station ..
Dougie I had to smile in the mornings when you did your fitness 5 mins to various records ..
Had visions of you working out while you were playing them .. :0))
I was usually driving so sadly couldn't join in !!! ..
Well done all of you on many successful years ..
Claire xxx
Hi Russ ,
We will be at The Stute on Saturday night ..
Come find us & introduce yourself ..
My friend Gus races scoots & him & Tracey do the rallies sometimes too ..
I'm sure you 2 will have loads to talk about ..
Claire xxx
Hello everyone ...
I'm after a copy of Bob Sinclar "Tribute " ...
12 inch single ..
Does anyone have one they no longer want please ??
Please can you pm me with condition & price ..
Thanku ..
Claire xxx