Not yet, but by the time he has managed to finance the rest of the books it probably will be.
Google does most of what Price Guide 3 does. I haven't seen the new one but it sounds like a good reference book. And I did mention your bootleg guide as one of the basic/important books to get. I would love to see a pure reference book from you without prices, partly because I have never had a positive experience regarding the price guide and partly because you know too much not to publish a more extensive reference guide. A price guide distorts the market, it's too static. Your new concept regarding the online price reference database that you mentioned once before sounds like a much better idea, although knowing that the guy responsible for the price guide is also the seller who manages to get the best (highest) prices is a bit worrying (I'm not implying that you do anything wrong, just that you are good at what you do).
That's true, but it takes time to gather all the books. Looking back at what I have learnt since I started collecting I would say that price guides are not that essential.