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Everything posted by Shinehead

  1. Is the newest member on here the real Bobby Womack or an imposter ?
  2. Just remembered the name of the shop at the side of the Brewer On The Bridge , it was Mortimers.
  3. Remember them both very well did not buy much from Harringtons but bought loads of Shermans and Brutus shirts from Paul Rex aka Sexy Rexy also bought amongst other things from there a leather trench coat .What was the name of the shop that sold work wear and camping gear next to the pub The Brewer On The Bridge , bought my first pair of Doc Martens and a Harrington jacket from there with one of my first wages as a fifteen year old . There was also a Paul Rex in my home town of Rotherham also in Rotherham was a shop called Kendrick Fieldsend which sold an amazing selection of Ben Shermans shirts which came in presentation boxes at that time . Also bought a two tone suit from Kendrick Fieldsend which i still remember with great fondness ,great clothes and great times , then you look at most of the youth today arses hanging out of there jeans with underpants showing hands down there pants feeling theire privates.
  4. Great Label , and my fave track is the fantastic sweet soul ballad 'Make Up For Lost Time ' by the Montclairs , utter class.
  5. If theres anybody out there whos not aware of this great track, purchase the Sean Hampsey compiled cd Love And Jealousy which contains the track plus about 20 others in the same vein all for about 4 quid from Amazon amongs others.
  6. Out of his many great tracks Lets Straighten It Out is doing for me at the moment , a wonderful artist.
  7. Its on Youtube have listen , its exactly what you would expect.
  8. Rose Battiste one of those Levine productions.
  9. Look on Musicstack loads of copies starting from 4 quid.
  10. Yes Dave your ears are blocked. try Q tips, the blockage is impairing your usual good taste in music. Graham
  11. Don't Be Sore At Me = The Parliaments , still does it for me plus a fantastic flip as well .
  13. Used to go to Sheffield to Violet Mays on a regular basis got some great lps there including the following, SOUL SIXTEEN on Stateside. WANTED ONE SOUL SINGER = JOHNNIE TAYLOR BOOGALOO DOWN BROADWAY = FANTASTIC JOHHNY C THE HORSE = CLIFF NOBLES I'M A LOSER = DORIS DUKE KNOCK ON WOOD = EDDIE FLOYD GAG A MAGGOT = SWAMP DOGG
  14. My 3 fave compilation lps are the following SOUL DEEP = VOLUME ONE ITS ALL PLATINUM BACKTRACK 6 Those 3 lps have been played by myself consistently over the years and i never tire of hearing them, easily obtainable as well.
  15. If its the Label with Jean Stanback, Roy Hamilton on amongst others its Dave Godins Soul City subsidiary label from around 1969 which had 6 releases.
  16. This one gives me goosebumps, cheap but bloody awesome. Aretha Franklin = I Can't See Myself Leaving You ( Atlantic)
  17. Johnny T. Thompson Billy Harner Chris Farlowe And a credible version by a young white guy called Oliver Darley.
  18. As stated in the previous post some lyrics might help, O'jays have had loads of records from the 60,s big on the northern scene so without some lyrics you are on a loser .
  19. Could be ' Deeper ' by The Ojays
  20. The song Jimmy Mack was written as a tribute to a deceased song writer named Ronnie Mack .
  21. So will this be the same Jimmy Mack who also produced The Furys amongs others, who later became the TV and movie actor James Mceachin of Tenafly fame, who was also a decorated soldier.
  22. Nice version ,also done to good effect by The Worlds Funkiest Band , as for Crossover not in my definition, a bit too gritty.
  23. If the Northern crowd like it its Northern if they don't its Crossover.
  24. Randy Brown = Welcome To My Room . Get the wine out and dim the lights its time for love action , i just need a woman.
  25. Yes your right a fave of mine but IKES a very acquired taste and you either love his stuff or hate it i happen to love it.

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