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Everything posted by Shinehead

  1. I did mate, but I have heard it before and had it on a tape and it is annoying the f**k out of me.
  2. Second verse added . if that helps
  3. Can anyone help me id this record from the lyrics below, a female singer with femme backup 60s, possibly New York, a ballad and could be called Hold On , not the Tommy Hunt song. Seems like you don't love me anymore cause you don't do the things you did before oh tell me why oh why it had to happen this way we've been through so much together you promised to never leave me never now your gone and there's nothing left to hold on to hold on it hold on it SECOND VERSE You didn't do all the the things you promised to do , oh no i'll take you back and do ever you want me to do let's try it over again and again cause you got my love in the palm of your hand oh but i love you and want you for always and forever darling but baby , baby you know i love you baby . baby, baby i want you to be my guide Thanks any input would be appreciated
  4. I think its great that companies are still taking their time to put out reissues it shows our music still going strong and still has a healthy following after all these years. Not everyone who buys these reissues is a wanna be dj more like someone who just prefers vinyl to digital. As for the question asked by the topic starter going by the price originals fetch his fears about reissues devaluing his collection are unfounded.
  5. If so they have been done
  6. He should have been dancing to I Was Bjorn To Love You
  7. What's the guy at 26.56 doing playing imaginary tennis.
  8. This is a big fave of mine by David , featuring the vocals of the Sweet Inspirations sounding like angels. https://youtu.be/QVWhUpSVz1w
  9. Boz Scaggs The Black Voices Eddie Floyd John Mays
  10. Willie Clayton , Willie Henderson ( instrumental).
  11. As stated above it reminds me of Lady Marmalade too , and I think Yvonne should have tried singing instead of shouting .
  12. Yes it would have been called pop crap
  13. Don,t know I,m a 58 year old man and trendy I am not.
  14. If you are listening and dancing to soul music made in the 60s and 70s they are correct it ain,t cutting edge or trendy however good it may be .
  15. Sure is worth it Sean , I missed the Carl Sims cd and thanks to this thread just purchased a copy .
  16. Always loved this thread at the start of the year but it seems to have gone a bit T*TS up this year . Maybe grumpy old men syndrome has struck , I know I,ve got it.
  17. I had a copy of the Mickey Lee Lane boot on White Swan , it played as Mickey Lee Lane but the label stated the Freddie Cannon record. What a load of crap though .
  18. Jerry Butler if you mean another version
  19. People have all the tools available to them these days not to get ripped off by dealers , the internet, bootleg guides. Obviously if you buy what you think is an original and they send you a boot well that's a f**kin rip off. Some people just seem not to care what they are buying and have more money than sense and don,t even bother to put any effort into their purchases regarding boots . The record in question is plain to see what you are getting it states in the description in big enough type.
  20. Happy Christmas to all on Soul Source , have nice day . Going back to my home village for a family dinner and the pub before ,my old mates usually say the village idiot is back
  21. 28 = Here I Through These Changes Again = Harris And Orr .
  22. Trouble with Sootys postings is you stop reading before you get to the charity bit because of the length and off topic approach to his musings on here . As someone else said less is more for some things.
  23. Remember Dave Godin championing this record in Black Music and when I heard for the first time I thought Dave must have gone deaf , what a f**kin racket.
  24. I find it hard to believe some people are grateful that the set has been issued and are willing to except a box set which is in my opinion is worthless unless perfect.

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