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Everything posted by Shinehead

  1. And save you about £450
  2. Almost identical , just the Cornelius Brothers has a tambourine in it .
  3. To have a one off sleeve that is a nice thing to put his Bloomfield demos, in a lot of bother for most people but we do not know his occupation but if in design , print , quite easy.
  4. Not a great photo but this video sums up the destruction of healthy trees and trees are the great antidote to carbon dioxide
  5. Just.a hunch about the sleeve he could work in the printing industry with access to the items need to make a professional looking sleeve The video is foreign I think, maybe it was released in that format in the EU ?
  6. Maybe he has got nits
  7. 2 Cornelius Brothers 45 version on discogs now. UA demo
  8. Don't know pal could just be a one off sleeve made by the owner of the records who has access to professional gear . Me I will keep to the Cornelius Brothers
  9. Charles Johnson , great record back in the day and played everywhere as I remember but it sounds so insipid now to my cloth ears .
  10. No it's jazz funk
  11. Is this LP as good as the hype it has received ? I have only heard one track from it which did not blow me away .
  12. I think the Voices From The Shadows article on x over as already stated by Chalky got the definition spot on . Good thing about this site is most people who come on.seem to have got tastes in all kind of soul music . To me I have no preference to any style of soul , a record whatever style I like that's enough for me .
  13. Now my answer to the question , nowt in it myself both fine vocalists so it would be down to personal favourite records by the artists in question again hard to separate so I will call it a draw on my scorecard
  14. The posters question is a bit cryptic but I think he wants to compare the 2 artists he mentioned. Beat me to it
  15. Parliament's " Don't Be Sore At Me " bw. " All Your Goodies Are Gone " . Cheapie and two all time faves .
  16. Does not get better than " Ask the Lonely " the acapella version also takes on a new meaning to the great song . Glad I got the chance to see the Tops in the Seventies a couple of times and they were great live too.
  17. Thanks for this one and all the others .
  18. Found this lurking at the bottom of the garden
  19. Seems indoor entertainment has took a big hit and not just soul wise most pubs around my parts are empty midweek and not much better at weekends , only the young seem to be going for it and the nightclubs still seem to be going ok ,till the passports put a downer on those too. Think this virus has scared the hell out of people and we have also got used to staying in , hopefully things will improve but not for awhile I would imagine. Outdoor events seem to be going ok though till the weather puts those on hold. Fortunately listening to soul music at home is something that even this virus cannot curtail .
  20. Sorry I meant white labels with printing on them saying demo copy.
  21. So why go to the bother of having white labels produced why not produce more stockers and give stockers away to djs and the like I would imagine the recipient of a free copy would be thrilled to receive a stock copy . These releases are only produced in small numbers so the production of white labels is not really needed in my opinion.
  22. Take our liberty while we can , we have done our bit by staying in virtual isolation for months on end and most of us are double vaccinated . Life has to go on or it is not worth living .
  23. Thanks Joan , always thought that slugs along with worms were their staple diet putting dog food or cat food in my garden will have to thought about I have enough bloody cats coming though my garden without encouragement . Will have to give some thought how to feed them without it attracting the cats , maybe put it under some propt up roofing tiles I have in the shrubs where the little fella disappeared to.
  24. Not a great photo quality wise but chuffed to find this little fella outside my back door last night devouring a large slug , first one I have seen on my garden for probably a decade.

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