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Roual Galloway

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Everything posted by Roual Galloway

  1. cheers Greg I read it after my post on your youtube post of the single
  2. 29.days are like people - zella jackson - DJ Spinna played this down the shop a couple of weeks ago steve. I've had the album in my cart since then and forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder - great voice
  3. Ivor - you should give credit to Scotland and in particular the Kilt within your list - great times
  4. You can pop into Love Vinyl, 5 Pearson St, E2 8JD -nearest station is Hoxton - There's a good stock of new/vintage soul music to choose from. Then round the corner on Hackney Road there's Cosmos Records.
  5. Mary put on a great performance at Fleetwood in the late 80s. Come Out Of The Sandbox is such an inspirational song. RIP Mary
  6. she was great at SSW last year and such a lovely person
  7. I got sent this over the weekend by Ed who sings leads vocals. It's part of an album that's been produced by Jon Fine (he directed the Bill withers documentary). That's due to be released Sept/Oct on vinyl. The first single is called Africa Calling and the artist is The Holy Forest. https://theholyforest.com/category/video/
  8. it's an extra 1.6% on top of their 8%. It's annoying but it's not that steep
  9. I was referencing the previous comments on labels such as Outta Sight, Secret Stash, Kent, etc rather than bootleggers.
  10. not strictly true - the mimimum initial order quantity in Europe is between 250-500 units. If you order any less than that you'll be paying roughly the same price as 250-300 units because the bulk of the charge is with lacquers, metalwork or maybe DMM.metalwork if you fancy going that route. Once you've got your metalwork in theory the plant could press 1 for you but the cost would rocket because of the set up charges. Re-orders can be as low as 200 units, but most plants like sticking above 300 units as the mimium order. Having said that most plants were pretty desperate 8-10 years ago and the mimimum order quantity dropped to 50 copies for a lot of plants. As soon as the majors rediscovered vinyl the minimum order quantity has increased year on year.
  11. there's easier ways of making money than putting out records because you're not pressing against an order. A label has to gage how many they think they can sell. Sometimes coming up short and sometimes over pressing against sales. In answer to your other question "The question I raised is why companies like Outta Sight re-issue things that have been re-issued or bootlegged before (some numerous times over) and are readily available." The reason being is that they believe that there is a market for the re-presses that they release. You either buy them or you don't, but i don't believe that anybody should be grumbling about labels that go through the correct legal channels to ensure that all are paid. Good luck to them as far as i'm concerned.
  12. for the record it's not an easy way to make money
  13. When I first started working for a CD manufacturer in 1998 there were around 14 factories of various sizes in the UK. As of 1st January 2015 there's only one left in the UK. I saw the decline around 10 years ago and got out for a few years but it pulled me back in, although i'm selling a more varied product range these days.
  14. :-) you've also got Fryers re-presses that have been released recently
  15. that's a legit pressing through Henry Stones son so could be part of the contract
  16. I agree - Juno will sell anything until they get some heat and that Les/Passion are legit
  17. Ian - I doubt if he's pressing up 50 copies at a time. At £80 a pop he'd only need to sell 7-8 to break even and the rest is profit. I would say that he's pressing 300 and sitting on the balance drip feeding them over a period
  18. My pleasure Ivor. As soon as he walked in the room for the interview he gave it some sparkle with his charm. I've interviewed alot of people over the years and it's always good to interview somebody with charisma and is full of life. His performance was top notch. He certainly owns the stage when he gets up there and he's still got a great voice. It was full of covers Bobby, Teddy, David, Anthony White. They were all perfectly selected. He's done a new version of Don't Send Me Away on his new album. i hope that it comes out soon.
  19. a recent interview with Garfield Fleming by myself at SSW4. He put a great performance in and was a great character to interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuQl4vDdF84&feature=youtu.be
  20. There's more than one pressing plant in Europe that people use Ian. One plant i'm using is turning things around in 5 weeks for me. I just turned a 4000 x 3 12" album for an American EDM artist in 4 weeks, whilst the one you're referring to quoted 9 weeks for me. There's new lines going in to double their capacity but I can't see that being active properly till summer of next year. The Beatles re-presses from 2 years ago caused enough problems for all the European plants and there is a blessing in disguise that this new order is much smaller.
  21. i didn't learn anything from your drunk piss the music was indeed very good.
  22. I thought you never left edinburgh these days. i'm well bonnie thanks and yourself. As for the Kilt you still owe petrol money for all those lifts i gave you i must have been away by the time johnny bristol came. I missed Sam Dees too, but can remember Joshie Jo Armstead. It seemed like a long time ago now.
  23. more like bonny langford

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