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Alison H

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Alison H last won the day on December 27 2020

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About Alison H

  • Birthday 22/03/1969

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    One of my interests is obviously soul. Any genre. If it hits me right there (y'kno right there!) the year, the label,the value, is irrelevant (to me). Its part of my soul & thats what counts xxx
  • Top Soul Sound
    I'm back for more - Jean Carne & Al Johnson AND Prove it to me - Garnet Mimms (cos I'm a greedy girl & cant have one top sound only!)

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  1. Belated birthday wishes Joan. Hope you had a fab one and that I bump into you somewhere soon Ali xx
  2. https://youtu.be/OR07r0ZMFb8?si=Py4RNUngGNgCaByY oops! Butter mi crumpets, I’m rubbish at this lark I hope this one works Mike , if not I’ll keep practicing & get it right by next Christmas
  3. Merry Christmas everyone. Wishing you a fab time and everything wonderful for the New Year Ali x
  4. This tune & especially the video is one of my goto’s at Christmas. I still chuckle at it after all these years lol especially the opening of the presents at the end Have a Cool Yule everyone Ali x https://youtube.com/playlist?list=RDOR07r0ZMFb8&playnext=1&si=-EH5VqYHMLdA2e0X
  5. I hope Darragh doesn’t cause too much devastation and there is no loss of life. Stay safe Mike & everyone in the path of the storm
  6. I thought all 3 episodes were fantastic. An amazing insight into Disco that had me hooked during all 3 episodes. Best music documentary I’ve seen in a very very long time. Disco doesn’t suck
  7. Good on you Peter Hope you’ve had a fab Christmas Ali x
  8. Hey Peter … 99 What a brave & honest post. Enormous luck with your recovery pal & it’s so nice to see an old timer (as in a forum old timer) back on here. Keep fighting, stay strong & keep posting or lurking (like I do ) All the very best Ali xx
  9. It’s a total tragedy that Dave has passed away. We knew it was coming, but the speed it took him is heartbreaking & cruel. His “Final Frontier” event tonight will be tough without him but because of the decent & wonderful guy he was he still wanted it to go ahead putting others before himself So Mr 21st Century Soul/Albert Wiggins tonight we will put on our big girl/big boy pants and do you proud. Rest Easy Dave You will be missed, but never forgotten Ali xxx
  10. I saw the trailer for it while watching “Maverick” & did think it looked tosh but I’ve heard nothing but rave reviews about it
  11. What?!!! I think it’s fantastic & so does everyone I have spoke to about it, men included, but mainly women I also think it MUST be seen on the big screen due to the fighter jet scenes. It’s not often a second movie is better than the first, but other than it not having Kelly McGillis in Maverick (that’s another discussion ) , I would say it’s better than Top Gun. God I loved it
  12. Belated birthday wishes Martyn. Trust you had a good one Lotsa love from Me xxx
  13. That’s where I first heard it I too can’t remember who spun it (maybe Robbo?) but I remember being in awe of Big Scotty & Soulie dancing to it & the insane whistling Big Scotty would do while dancing. Fabulous song & still gets my heart rate going
  14. This is so sad. Had many wonderful and fun nights put on by Paul. He was a top bloke who will be missed by many. Condolences to David, family & close friends at this painful time. Rest In Peace Mr Benidorm. Thank you for the memories Much love Ali xxx
  15. Gosh that’s so cool !! It’s ace when the badger is almost on top of the camera Great footage Thanks for sharing

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