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Everything posted by soulmart

  1. In 1971, at the age of 16, I thought I'd invented Northern Soul ha ha!! Let me explain. Our local cricket club had a brilliant social side with entertainment on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. A middle-aged guy used to put records on an auto-changer (remember those!!) in no particular order, some A sides some B sides because basically he hadn't got a clue what the music was. One minute it would be 'I Got A Feeling' by Barbara Randolf the next it would be 'If Not For You' by Olivia Newton John followed by 'The Pushbike Song' by The Mixtures!!! One night someone called Joan Ratcliffe came up to me and said "If I bring in a box of records, will you play them. It's got be better than this crap!!" So one Saturday afternoon when the club was empty, I played the first 30 seconds of each record and placed them in two piles. One was 'Good Dancers' the other one 'Rubbish'. Unwittingly, all the 'Good Dancers' were northern soul and motown records! When I found out about Wigan Casino a couple of years later I thought to myself " I invented that 2 years ago!!" The record that gave me goosebumps back then, and still does, was 'You're Gonna Make Me Love You' by Sandi Sheldon and the one that ALWAYS makes me cry is 'The Drifter' by Ray Pollard. Happy days. Happy memories.
  2. You know, I think this beer really does have Northern Soul in it !! After a couple of mouthfuls I looked at it and thought "My Weakness Is You". Then about half way through I thought "Something Good's Got A Hold On Me". Now it's finished it's just a "Shadow Of A Memory". Very strange!! Soulmart.
  3. Well Chrissie, like my 88 year old father-in-law keeps telling me: 'There's nothing new, it's all been done before' ! This bottle I've bought is brewed by J.W. Lee in Manchester. Now I've had my tea, I'm going to chill out with it. I'll give my verdict later. Cheers, Soulmart.
  4. I've just come back from shopping at Tesco where I bought a bottle of "Coronation Street Premium Ale" (I'll try anything once!). The label on the back says 'This is a beer made in Manchester, brewed with Northern Soul mixed in with the finest Northdown and Golding hops'. At £1 per bottle it's good value and brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'getting drunk on Northern Soul' !! Think I'll stock up on a few more for New Years Eve. All the best for 2010. Soulmart.
  5. Sorry to anyone who's already seen this on the 'People With Soul' forum but I think I posted it in the wrong place. I am trying to contact someone who called themselves 'q-ear'. The last email address I have is info@q-ear.com but that doesn't work anymore. Does anybody have an up to date email address? All the best for Christmas. Soulmart.

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