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old but nimble

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Everything posted by old but nimble

  1. terrific sets from Rob and Steve as normal
  2. know what you mean lads and lasses, i love to get on the dance floor but dont know when to come off, it takes me 3-4 days for the pains in my knee to go away, sure its cartlige trouble never mind its all worth always been active and do what i like on the floor but age catches up with all of us KTF and Happy New Year
  3. not heard from him for age He was the BEST MAN at my wedding about time he got himself up the STUTE
  4. hey Rob thats not MR TUCK by any chance
  5. tremendous set Rob anyone who went early missed a treat of good soul sounds
  6. so are we Moldie bring it on
  7. superb sounds as normal Rob, my knees always tell me when you have been on roll on the 28th. Buddy Smith worth a few bob Rob
  8. soul comes from the heart, not from any individual club, just look at any soul dancefloor and you will see if soul has died
  9. totally agree Pookies tunes are pure class
  10. well put Pete you cannot beat made to measure clothes, you get what you want then Andy
  11. I always went for the suedehead look
  12. fantastic set rob i take my hat of to you,you ought to come with a warning sign, old people shouldn't dance all night (my poor old legs haha) but hey what a fantastic night
  13. i agree, CLOTHES,WOMEN,MUSIC not in that order mind you
  14. not so much about one record, its your music knowledge that worries me or lack of it
  15. so buddy holly was shit was he, you aint got a clue mate
  16. always get one soul snob
  17. Totally agree with you Webby, classic sound, fell in love with it first time i heard it, have got it on motown T54192, shoul be played more on the scene
  18. sad news all round RIP
  19. Nothing wrong with having a drink helps you loosen up, but it should be kept of the dancefloor. went to a mini nghter last week and people were trying to dance with pint glasses in hand, how the hell can you dance with a pint glass in your hand, these were people who had come for a late drink and not the music
  20. Wrong attitude. who pays the promoter as well as the dj, I have been to loads of dos and the djs have cleared the floor by trying to boost there egos and playing tunes only they like, any soul record is a good record just because you dont like it doesn't mean it should not be played
  21. with a motown list like that you can DJ at my christmas party anytime KTF
  22. RIP ellie, we all loved you
  23. You have summed it up parkash,I am well in my fifties and i still go out and enjoy most aspects of soul music, it comes from the heart, I have 2 lads 20,and 21 and they even compliment me and my wife about going to soul nights, I have been known to leave the bar when a record i like is being played then go back to pay for the drinks when its done. Soul is in your blood ,oldies, modern, R+B, crossover, jazz, if its good enough you will want to listen and dance to it. KTF

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