RIP Etta you were one the greatest, always loved your songs, have written in my will to have I WOULD RATHER GO BLIND played at my funeral, god bless you Etta
Get Real, these are different floor surfaces to the ones most soul nights are held, again i repeat it depends on how the floor is cleaned and polished as to whether ypu have to use talc
Not True I have always worn leather shoes, again if the floor has not been cleaned properly it does not make an Hapeth of difference on your soles (hence the talc comes into play)
I was into fashion in a big way in the 70s, the only ones the skins and suedes would wear that look remotely like them are the solatio pattern with leather souls and uppers
well put carms. the trouble with the scene today is most of the DJs go on ego trips and dont care what the punters want, why play a £5.000 record and clear the floor. then put one worth £10.00 and you fill it. less egos please