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Everything posted by jazzyjas

  1. Thanks for letting me know about a few of these tracks. Keep 'em coming too. I may also put another list out there, too. Let's see if I can come up with about 100 more. KTF Jas
  2. Oh man! This stuff drives me nuts. I'm always trying to get the best possible quality version that I can. I get disappointed when I can't get stuff on CD and can't find the record. It's also disappointing when people put out CDs that sound no better than old cassettes. Case in point: Cam/Park CDs. Those didn't sound so hot. And I don't buy bootleg 45s, so I've got loads of songs that I'd love to see some out on CD and mastered properly whenever possible. Just a few off the top of my head: 1. My Life-Joe Jama 2. We Can Make It-Mello Souls 3. I Found a Love-Clarence Townsend 4. Run for Your Life-Harrison Brothers 5. So Lonely-Perfections 6. Look Around / I'm Sure-Two Plus Two 7. Love Finds a Way-Margaret Little 8. I'm Coming Home-September Jones 9. The Hurting Is Over-Arthur Willis 10. I'm Not Satisfied-Dream Team 11. Making My Daydream Real-We the People 12. This is For You My Love-Benny Spellman 13. That's the Way It Is-Sweet Three 14. Can't Be Still-Buster & Eddie (on a crappy Belgium CD, but that doesn't count. Why can't Ace/Kent put this out? They've put so much Class records material out there, too.) 15. Lonely, Lonely-Sound Masters 16. Love Slave-Antellects 17. Let Go Baby-Jim & Lee (does anyone know this record?) 18. I Get Carried Away-Jerry Fuller 19. I'm Such a Lonely One-Oxford Knights 20. You're Gonna Need Magic-Star Treks 21. I'm Stuck On My Baby-Irene & the Scotts 22. Wait Til It Happens To You-Peppermint Harris 23. Kiss Me Now (Don't Kiss Me Later)-Florence DeVore 24. Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket-All Night Workers 25. Run, Run, Run-James Gilstrap 26. My Baby's Back Again-Charlie McCoy & the Escorts 27. Look Ahead-Gordon Keith 28. Look Out Love-Inverts 29. Put a Nickel/Dime on D-9-Rotations (has Jamie/Guyden put this out yet?) 30. Baby Let Me Teach You/Make It Me-Zena Foster 31. Give Up Girl/World of Trouble-Connie Questell 32. Tears-Lee Roye 33. When You Call Me Baby-Joey Heatherton 34. No Second Chance-Deadbeats 35. Lonely Too Long-Sandpipers 36. Shake Your Head-Barbara Carr 37. If This Isn't Love-Johnny Bartel & the Soul Masters 38. I Didn't Have the Time To Love You-George Jackson 39. Little Sister-Clyde Allen 40. The Look On Your Face-James Phelps 41. She Went Away-Natural Impulse 42. The Chase Is On-Johnny Howard 43. I'm Gonna Walk-Mickey Laney 44. Sweet Memories-Robert Tanner 45. Karen Sue on United Artists 46. Thank You Girl-Hank Hodge 47. Demanding Man-Sensations 48. Keep Away-Appointments 49. Five Minutes-Differences 50. Treasure Mind-Trace of Smoke 51. Carfare Back-Herb Ward 52. City Lights-Jerry Naylor 53. All of My Life-Nu-Rons 54. Speak On Up-Joe King 55. I Know You're Leaving Me-Sy Hightower 56. I Got It-Tolbert 57. Let's Talk It Over-Ernestine Eady 58. Don't Leave Me-Bobby Sansom / Main Events 59. Where's My Money-Willie Jones 60. Love Is A Nightmare-Johnny Darrow 61. Lovin' You Baby-Startones 62. Do De Do De Dop-Devotions 63. You're Gonna Make Me Cry-Thee Midniters (unless there's an anthology of them) 64. I've Got to Find a Way-Gallahads 65. She'll Be Gone-Betty O'Brien 66. Love Another Girl-Hal Miller (unless it's on a popcorn cd) 67. Only the Guilty Cry-Clydie King (might be on a popcorn cd too) 68. My Love is So Strong-Joseph Webster 69. She's Gone-Hamilton Movement 70. Locke's Theme-Bob's Band 71. Anything by Jeff Dale on Atco 72. Putting You Out of My Life-Psychodelic Frankie 73. She Put the Hurt On Me-Trade Martin 74. Life Saver-Stormye Winters 75. I Didn't Love Her Anyway-Jimmy Beaumont 76. That's All I Really Need-Springfield Rifle 77. It's O.K.-Jimmy Castor 78. Exception to the Rule-Cliff Wagner 79. Tell Me You're Mine-Lorraine Chandler 80. I'll Rescue You-Flash McKinley 81. Come On Now-Tommy Bush 82. Slave Girl-Johnny Burton 83. You Belong to Me-Beverly & Duane 84. Believe Me-Linda & the Pretenders 85. Bygones-Bull 86. Without Your Love-Charles Brandy 87. Wait a Minute Baby-Johnny Guitar Watson 88. We Call It Love-Barbara Long 89. What Do You Think I Am-Chico Lamarr 90. I Watched You Slowly Slip Away-Lou Courtney 91. Mama, I Think I'm In Love-Beverly & the Del-Capris 92. The Real Thing-Troy Dodds 93. Small Things-Kell Osbourne 94. Workin'-Timmy Carr 95. Blue Jeans-Lonette 96. Captivated-Louis Curry 97. Say Girl-Lonnie Russ 98. You're Just Plain Nice-Louis Curry 99. Baby I Want You-Moments 100. What's Your Game-Young Brothers I could go on all night naming even more, too. PLEASE tell me i'm wrong on this stuff too. I'd love to know if some of these are available. KTF Jas
  3. Been listening to the Best of Reparata & the Delrons on an Ace CD. Fantastic track called "Look In My Diary" on there as an unissued RCA. WOW! Thanks Ken A for putting me on to that and sending me that disc. Also been listening to: "Tick Tock" Connie Stevens-Bell (killer Thom Bell production! Lots of strings. Amazing!) "Don't You Think it's Time" Prophets-Jubilee (actually a duet. nice female vocal. Would love to have this on Delphi) "You Succeeded" Sandra Phillips-Broadway "Wonderful Night" Candace Love-Aquarius (What a coincidence. I've been listening to both of these a lot today as well.) KTF Jas -Got Nicole Willis on the way. Excited about that.
  4. I like both sides. What are you asking for it? -Jas
  5. I'd be there at the 100 Club, but I live in Florida. PM me if you decide you'll be willing to send one to the states. I'll get you sqaured away via PayPal. KTF Jas
  6. Where can I get a 7"? Timmion site says "sold out" KTF Jas
  7. Total shot in the dark: The Motions ??????????????? KTF Jas
  8. Well...at least the guy's health has improved. That "stubborn heart" has been giving him problems for years! Thank you...I'll be here all week. KTF Jas
  9. I'm of the view that keeping the cover-up is good. I just sold a MASSIVE cover-up to somebody not to long ago and won't tell anyone what it was. 1. When you expose it, it takes the piss on the people that did the hard-earned legwork to turn it up. When you're a pioneer, there are always well-connected, more popular people ready to enjoy success off the back of your hard work. It sucks. 2. Keeps it out of Manship's guide and makes it easier for me to get another one and sell another one. When it ends up in Manship's guide, that sucks too. 3. Keeps a nice buzz going around the DJs who play it and keep it covered up. 4. Things are cooler when they're underground and only some are in-the-know. 5. All that stuff that Russ Vickers just said too. KTF Jas
  10. Sit tight. i'll get you an MP3 KTF Jas
  11. You know, i've had that Rhetta Hughes since 1993 and always played the "You're Doing it with Her" side. It's funny because I just sold a copy of this for around $15.00 and saw it sold on eBay for around $30, so people really must like it. Will have to flip it over. KTF Jas (well done shing-a-ling--I was too lazy to list that one at the time)
  12. Russ, Will check that one out by John Legend. As I write this, I'm listening to a KILLER! "Get Out Your Handkerchief" by Ashford & Simpson. LP: "A Musical Affair" great stuff. KTF Jas
  13. Got loads of stuff on eBay and they are all "buy it now" https://search.ebay.com/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ2...majorwaxbuildup Some soul and other things mixed in, so check the whole list. Also, here are my photos so you can check on the stuff not listed yet. https://www.majorwaxbuildup.com/ebay_%20cheapsoul/ Anything from the labels beginning with "C" on down the list have not been listed yet. let me know if you have questions. I take PayPal and ship lightning fast. KTF Jas (Ace Spectrum, Impressions JUST sold)
  14. Chalky, Really got to thank you for getting this Kell Osbourne together. I listened to the whole thing last night and enjoyed it thoroughly. Usually when these old singers get interviewed, they lose track of the details and dates. Although Kell wasn't always 100% right on everything, he was still pretty sharp and had a great personality. It's just a shame that the interviewer wasn't aware of Kell's popularity in the northern soul context. I would have like to have heard his reaction to statements about his relevance to the scene. It just killed me to hear stuff like "Quicksand" and have no mention of northern soul. Oh well...still was a great listen. Thanks again for that. I really enjoyed it. KTF Jas Do you happen to know if Kell Osbourne knows about northern soul and how much we all love his music?
  15. *** I THIRD THE VOICE MASTERS ON BAMBOO*** That record is niiiice! and since somebody mentioned the NORTH BAY label, why not check out... "Don't Be So Mean" by Talk of the Town. Nice Philly sound. a few others: 1. I Ain't Gonna Stop-Masqueraders (just played it in Orlando and got a nice reaction) 2. Don't Leave Me-Admirations-MPac 3. Look at Me Now-Ethics-Vent Good music is good music, no matter what the price. KTF Jas
  16. Have to agree about good ol' Carl. He's a great dancer and a really cool guy. It was a real pleasure meeting him in LA and watching him dance. He was also very encouraging to me about my own dancing, too. Being around great dancers always helps with your own steps I think. I learned a lot from watching him in person and playing back my video footage. Pretty cool guy and modest about his skills. As for the Morris Dancing, would it be... 1. Sticks Up! 2. Backdrop 4. Sticks Down! 3. Spin? How about tapping the sticks in time with the handclapping on the break for "Like Adam and Eve"? As for me...I'm a FREAK on the dancefloor! Just ask Russ Vickers I danced barefoot through most of his set and had a blast. DJ Bywell and I were like two Energizer rabbits out there on the floor. KTF Jas
  18. Hello all, Been digging into the precious jewels lately. Have a look: https://search.ebay.com/_W0QQfgtpZ1QQfrppZ2...majorwaxbuildup Thanks, Jas
  19. Sold on ebay this morning for $1200.00 USD. Thanks for the input, inquiries and responses that I've received via e-mails and otherwise. KTF Jas
  20. Was hoping to get some feedback on this. Will be putting it on eBay tomorrow. If anybody's interested, please let me know. Thanks, Jason
  21. Got this one up for grabs. Condition is VG++ I would say. A side has a very short spot near the end that has groove wear, but overall it sounds good. B side plays great too. Record has a very tiny dent in the edge. Does not affect cueing or playing. Please have a listen to the sound clips and inspect the photos before considering. Cost is $1300.00 USD. PayPal preferred. Need immediate payment in full. Any questions, please e-mail me at: jazzyjas@bellsouth.net jazzyjas@bellsouth.net is also the PayPal address. Shipping is $6.00 USD Highest quality MP3 files of both songs in their entirety are here: https://www.majorwaxbuildup.com/sounds/ If nobody responds to this right away, I'm putting it on eBay. Giving Soul Sourcers first priority. KTF Jas
  22. Sure does sound like her! Killer track either way and thanks for sharing it! KTF Jas
  23. Hello David, I have one of these on ebay right now as a DJ copy. My seller name is "majorwaxbuildup" I'll give you a sound clip if you need one. KTF Jas
  24. hey Jocko not so fast those were MY choices 1. I Kept On Smiling-Cal Brandon-Hit Man 2. A Nickel and a Nail-O.V. Wright-Back Beat 3. Tumblin' Down-James Fry-Hi 4. When Something Is Wrong With My Baby-Sam & Dave-Stax (sorry so common-but great vocals) 5. I Can't Stand to See You Go-Joe Valentine-Ronn Christian--I checked out James Fry's "Still Around". FANTASTIC! Thanks for bringing that one to my attention. Also, I checked out the John Ridley page. i've got the Hoagy Lands, the Pussycats, and the Lee Maye & the Zoniccs on Gaye. Anybody know the value of this 45? KTF Jas
  25. I just re-read my last post after putting it up. As regards to this sentence: <<>> i can't believe i wrote that. that's not entirely true at all. plenty of northern records have loads of emotion. i was just referring more to the intimacy aspect and the difference in presentation from typical northern sounds. just felt that i needed to clarify that because it came off like i was discrediting thousands of great songs. KTF Jas

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