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Everything posted by jazzyjas

  1. Hey-what's going on here? I looked at the scan for the Stormie Wynters 45 and the catalog number reads "72505". I googled "Mercury 72505" and got this: https://home.unet.nl/kesteloo/sapians.html I also noticed that the scan has the catalog number sort of "shoved" together. They're not evenly-kerned (spaced) numbers. Is this suggesting that two records were pressed under the same catalog number? Curious about this... KTF Jas
  2. I'm not over there, but for whatever it's worth-my personal opinion is that if someone like I.L. gets a hold of it or somebody with no clue gets a hold of it on that grand of a scale, it could get ruined and confuse new people into thinking that there is this shitty synth-pop genre of black music called northern soul. The serious northern soul fans are not going to stand for a serious lack of quality, so the new-found "commercial" scene will just kill itself. Northern Soul will be a laughing stock. The purists will definitely go back underground if it isn't done the right and proper way. If it goes the right way and the media leans more toward people like Ady Croasdell, Richard Searling, Keb Darge, etc.-then it will flourish as a more progressive scene that will attract more college students and younger people that want a cool alternate subculture. And the people that have been on the scene since the 70s that are die-hards are gonna be there along with 'em, because it will be something they can remain proud of and progress with themselves. Overexposure really takes the edge off anything cool, so I hope it never happens. That's why I dropped out of the hip hop scene years ago....because it sucks now. KTF Jas
  3. 107 - The Atlantics - Remember The Night / Flame Of Love Really nice doo wop, this one. Rare too! KTF Jas
  4. My two favorites are: Fat Daddy on Johnny A Label and Artie Fullilove-Santa Claus Please Listen to Me
  5. Pete, why don't you string it together in one montage and make it a low rate mp3 file. that should be less than 1MB and that way, people are only waiting for one download at most. J
  6. And Simon Soussan is like the Jimmy Hoffa of the bunch. Everyone bought his price guide and he disappeared into thin air with people's money. BTW-just found the DISCO version of 'Panic' on some budget comp I picked up a few years ago. Keep a bucket next to you if you do hear it. I think today's conspiracies exist out of things like the storage unit deal in LA. I heard some people discussing that deal and wholeheartedly believe that there are more copies of 45s that are thought to be scarce, like Renfro stuff and my own personal belief is that there are more Antellects out there. But I also heard really far-fetched stories like mass quantities of Shrine records and I don't believe that at all. And then there are stories that go around after a big haul. After the owner of a records store in Baltimore died 2 years ago, and people went through the store stock, I heard multiple Mel Britt originals were found. True? I don't know for sure. But then again-people might start things like that to stimulate more buying and people cue up to rummage through the junk to find no Mel Britt at all and leave with a carload of cheap stuff they didn't really need anyway. Nevertheless, I think the northern soul 45 market might experience a "stock market" crash of sorts. Today's conspiracies lie in the said vs. true prices and said vs. true degrees of rareness of these records. Those bold auction ending prices in the price guide are going to be the death of us all. I'd like to stop those books at the border, because ultimately it's making all of our lives harder and only benefitting u know who. KTF Jas
  7. on a MacIntosh platform as well. Running OS9.1 and 9.2 Using Internet Explorer 5. They all start playing at once for me. Would like the opportunity to download the actual files in their entirety, so I can physically have them on my computer. I've had a lot of problems in the past with playing various types of media. Seems the best scenario for me personally is MP3 and MPEG. If you go to www.deephousepage.com, there are a lot of people who post mixes there. Next to each mix there are options for different file formats, where you can stream, download, etc. It's a great setup. Why not check it out when you get a minute. Maybe some new developments could spawn a separate sub-forum or revamp the media section of the site. KTF Jas
  8. yes, pete good one. I also think that "Stumble and Fall" is a dynamite track. How do you think that one would go down? I also think "Do I Love You" by the Ronettes has some northern appeal. Even Nilsson's Modern Folk Quartet on disc 3 has a nice beat. KTF Jas
  9. Right now, mine is... I CAN'T ESCAPE FROM YOU-RITCHIE ADAMS Killer track. I've been playing this one in the car at least a few times every day lately. Such a tight production, I think. Gets me in the mood to dance every time. I can only imagine hearing this fill the room at Wigan. Must have been great for all of you... Got a nice northern soul DVD "The Magic Touch" from Andy Holroyd of Notts that has Carl (Mr. "Soul Time" himself) doing some nice dance moves to that song. I met Carl at the LA Weekender and my dancing skills immediately improved having him around, along with his encouragement. Great guy that I'm sure many of you know, along with Andy Holroyd. KTF Jas
  10. Martyn, Please add more to the list! I'd like to know more titles like this. A few years ago, I made my own personal CD compilation for the car, called "Northern Soul Curiosities" These were all predominantly 70s tracks and really oddball pop numbers that appealed to my own personal pallette that are for the most part, WAY out of style. Some of the songs included on my CD are: (* means I don't think these got played. Correct me if I'm wrong though, please.) 1. Supership-George Benson 2. Can't Live This Way-Barnaby Bye 3. God Knows-Mike McDonald 4. Cochise-Paul Humphrey 5. Wise Up Girl-David Geddes *6. B-A-B-Y-Rachel Sweet 7. Right Back Where We Started From-Maxine Nightengale 8. Get Smart Girl-Beverly Bremmers 9. Trippin' On a Soul Cloud-Biddu Orchestra 10. I Played the Fool-Southside Johnny & the Asbury Jukes *11. Bookends-Jerry Fuller 12. Sister James-Nino Tempo (My friend Nigel from Norwich told me that they used to play this back in 1980 at Back Street Soul Club and Peterborough. Next thing I know-everybody wanted it about a year or two ago.) 13. The Flasher-Mistura *14. Rain In My Life-Prophecy (I love this song. No one ever talks about it. Lovely crossover sound on All Platinum label. I think it's more sought after by funk people...Comments anyone?) Even though these are not everbody's favorites and many people would like to forget them, I would like more info on this lost little chapter of northern soul. Since I had to do most of my learning about the actual northern soul scene from CD comps over the years, I learned about most of these songs from Nigel, who actually went through the scene. This is the kind of stuff that I have to find out about from talking to some actual veterans of the scene. Love to hear about more those sounds. KTF Jas
  11. Cheers Dayo! Right back at you man. It's definitely heating up on the forum, but we all still have the passion for the music, so it keeps us all here. KTF Jas
  12. totally kicks ass!
  13. Mikey, This record was actually recorded in 1957. It was originally on Fee Bee with an orange label and a bee on it. That pressing is very valuable. In the 60s, a plain red label was pressed with "Whispering Bells' their other big hit on the back. The Del Vikings are about one of the best doo wop groups around and put a lot of stuff on a lot of different labels. I wouldn't play it at a northern do, though. A Carolina Beach Music do...definitely. Pete, This is what I know. Yes, Chuck Jackson was a member of the group, but not on this particular recording. Since the group consisted of a bunch of guys stationed in the army together in Pittsburgh, the personnell constantly changed and split up, because of military assignments. Eventually, by 1958, there were TWO groups of Del Vikings, each with original members, recording at the very same time. One group was on Dot and the other was on Mercury. The Mercury Group was fronted by Gus Backus, the white lead vocal on "Come Go With Me". The Dot group was fronted by Kripp Johnson, the black lead vocal on "Whispering Bells", which eventually had Chuck Jackson in it. Both groups had some great talent and some really great sides. It gets confusing though, beause so many people passed in and out of that group. Plus, they've been on a myriad of labels. As far as doo wop ballads go, I must reccomend "The Sun" on Alpine. It's truly mindblowing! The guy singing the lead sounds like Rick James. It's surreal! As far as northern soul is concerned, I really reccomend "Bring Back Your Heart" on ABC Paramount. It's a bit Belgian, but it's still very northern in tempo and arrangement. Very early-sounding, but not wimpy like Dean Barlow. I've loved "Bring Back Your Heart" since '82. I always knew it could work in a northern context, too. I'm glad that people have caught onto it, too. I must say, though-I havent heard the one on the Jo Jo label or the "Welfare Blue"s record on Fee Bee. I've been seeing those listed as northern soul lately, but don't know what they sound like. I'd be curious to hear those. KTF Jas
  14. Me too! If I'm not mistaken, it's Vinny Catalano's other label. His main label was Blast records, whose biggest hit was "Coney Island Baby" by the Excellents. If you like doo wop, I highly reccomend "The Closer You Are" by the Magnificent Four (WHALE #506). Doo Wop was my transition into northern soul. I was heavily into it because I grew up just 3 miles from Jeff Kreiter, the man who has the vocal group price guide. Jeff and I comprised two out of the three or four record collectors where I lived, so it was inevitable that I would become acquainted with him. He exposed me to a lot of rare doo wop sounds, black and white groups. Things like Lou Ragland on Way Out were like holy grails to him. He had this miniscule soul section of his doo wop 45 collection and I used to turn over all of his ballads to discover sounds like "Love From the Far East" by the Master Four, "Is It All Gone" by the Magicians, "Do This For Me" by the Lovers, etc. That sound was really starting to grab me. He even said I think that's what they call "northern soul". He handed me a couple of back issues of Craig Moerer's lists, and I never looked back... KTF Jas
  15. This REALLY pisses me off! The cost of me sending one 45, via air-mail to the UK is $4.80. I charge $6.00 to allow for the postage itself and the cost of my packing materials and/or mailer. I think that's fair. These guys over here in the states need to check themselves because if it weren't for people in the UK buying these soul records, they wouldn't know what the hell to do with them and they'd be piling up and not selling. They should be thankful they can get decent money for a soul record and cultivate good relationships with people overseas. Oh no, I've got a better idea, let's be greedy pricks and not get any more business from people in the UK because we want to gouge them for postage. Yeah, that'll work...such stupid alcoholic ASSHOLES they are! Sorry everyone. I'm with you on this. KTF Jas
  16. YOUR LIFE REVOLVES AROUND NORTHERN SOUL! (Directed toward you Karen. Get some tea-it's a long post!) Oh man! I've got to say that I have heard this one before. The sad part is-I haven't got a decent do to go to, either-no scene to be on. I'm in the USA and from the USA, so I've got no one to talk northern with. So as a result, my girlfriend gets to hear me ramble on about all of this stuff that she has absolutely positvely no interest in at all. It's just my bad habit, I guess. I realize that I am an obsessive record collector in general and have a major obsession with northern soul. She is wonderful for putting up with it, too. She makes her opinions known, but doesn't give me ultimatums and things like that. Really, my gift to her is just shutting up about it. That's why this forum is so brilliant, because it gives me a place to "nerd out", make great friends and learn more about the music I love, because most people that I know really don't give a rat's ass that Paul Anka had a couple of songs on the northern scene. We still try to compromise, though. We went to the LA Weekender together. She stayed in the hotel room and slept, read books, etc. I danced all night. In between, we relaxed, dined out, etc. There was no record shopping or any crap like that. After the event was over, we did things more her way and went to Catalina Island and spent time in nature with no cars, no music, and enjoyed ourselves. I planned the whole itinerary to make both of us happy and it worked out well. And I've really made a grand effort to open myself up to other things, especially nature, caring for animals more and appreciating the great things that aren't man-made. I also feel much better for it, too. I've lived too long being this walking machine of useless music facts and an all-consuming vinyl lawnmower. Being multi-faceted is more fulfilling for me. BUT-on the same token, you've got to know yourself and accept yourself. You know what makes you happy, so you do it and enjoy it and get your inner-peace from it. With that said, I plan to come to Cleethorpes and bring my girl with me and let her see that there are people of all ages and all walks of life, who lead normal lives, that are enjoying this music and dancing, instead of sitting around on their asses. And since I've made the effort to explore her world more, she'll at least be able to get a handle on what makes me tick and why it does a little more. It wouldn't be to convert her or anything. Record collectors over here are a different breed for the most part. It can be a sad existence for many. There's little to no dancing, lots of cigarette smoking and not enough personal hygiene. She has seen this first hand and doesn't want those things to develop with me later on. IF YOU'VE GOT THAT SONG ON A NORTHERN SOUL CD, WHY DO YOU NEED THE RECORD, TOO?! (Directed toward all of you vinyl maniacs out there, just like me) Been around in circles many times over this question, too. The average person will never ever understand what exactly it is that drives a record collector to be this way. You just have to be into it to understand. Funny thing is, some collectors can't rightfully say why either. They just know that they have to have it. Extreme record collecting can truly be a sickness and ruin your life. I've seen it happen before. It's just like drugs but you feel that you can justify it because you haven't pissed it out. It's there in your box or on your shelf, gaining value. But the rituals and the high itself is just like a drug. When I go to a flea market in Baltimore and turn up a high dollar northern 45 for just pocket change, it drives me to keep on going. When I find the record, some sort of chemical giving a euphoric feeling is released in my brain. And you can't say a damn thing to me for the rest of the day that will get me down, either...cause I just scored Tony Middleton on MGM for 50 cents! For me, the joy of record collecting is the "finding treasure" aspect of it. THEN THERE's EBAY....instant gratification. Oh God. We've all been there, right? A few years ago, when I still had credit cards and a much higher paying job, I was bad! One week, I dropped $500 for three 45s. Kind of gutted afterward, when times were harder. The sick thing is that would be a bargain today for top northern soul records! Prices are going through the roof! But you still HAVE to have it! So she says "IF YOU'VE GOT THAT SONG ON A NORTHERN SOUL CD, WHY DO YOU NEED THE RECORD, TOO?!" You can't exactly explain it other than that little piece of plastic is the real deal. The song stirs up feelings of happiness inside of you, it makes you want to dance and it's like owning a piece of art or a valuable antique. It symbolizes a part of what you stand for and you just know that it means a lot to you. I could go on... For all of you in the UK, you've actually got some memories attached to these songs. Here's where I've come to terms: If I'm gonna keep my beautiful girlfriend and be healthy and sane, I can't blow all of my money on records. So, I've taken my 26 years of knowledge and my access to an abundant amount of records to make it work to my advantage financially. We all know how she'll perk up when you said you just flogged a record for $300. Works EVERY time. Also, I only use eBay to sell and almost never to buy, unless it's really cheap stuff or to get something that has eluded me for years that hasn't been put out on CD. I want to make a career out of eventually doing proper reissues of music and wheeling and dealing with records in the process. Life's too short to be miserable at a job I hate. I have to just remember that there are many copies of these northern records floating around, as we have all seen on eBay. Case in point: Charades on MGM, Tan Geers, Potty Time Man, Ace Spectrum... THIS SHIT IS EVERYWHERE! One day I'll get mine and so will you. I just have to live a normal life and not let the obsession take over. I'm trying to be smart about it and not just do it to fulfill a void. I know that voids can be fulfilled in more ways than just paying through the nose for a 45. When life used to feel meaningless, I spent even more money. I have realized that records have come to define who I am as a person. Having a killer record collection that takes up an entire room, gives me power(in some circles) and the respect of my peers. It's given me lots of confidence and has made me feel important, more interesting, etc. But what good is that stuff when you're all alone? I would hate to be just some miserable slave to records, just being a slob all by myself. I would also hate to be completely one-sided as a person, too. This is why I'm mindful of bringing other things into my life and keeping my record collecting habits somewhat normal (at least by our standards, right?). So if you've got a partner that is not necessarily into northern or records and that, but RESPECTS you, I truly believe that things can work and you can enjoy northern soul and many other things in life to the fullest if you can prioritize and compromise more often. I'm just as much into northern soul as I ever was, just more well-rounded as a person. Makes everything more enjoyable. KTF Jas
  17. No worries Jock! Good things are worth the wait. Postal system over here is full of the laziest bastards who will gladly slack off while they still get all of their government benefits and paid holidays, too. Pisses me off! Looking forward to the disc, and don't EVEN sweat it. It's quite alright, man. KTF Jas
  18. Yes, you nailed it!
  19. That seller is a total jackass! I always wished that there was a way that listings like that could be removed. I remember that there used to be 2 or 3 pages of northern soul on eBay. As of today, there are 78! I always sort by highest price first, as I can't bear to wade through this garbage. And yes, you're absolutely right! AMERICANS DO NOT GET IT! It drives me insane! Even the majority of people put on soul nights still don't get it. They need a compilation to tell 'em what it is. And if they're a dealer, they need a list! See one of my earlier posts about it, where I went off on people, below are my same sentiments: If I went to a night around here, Out of 5 hours, I'd hear about an hour's worth of Small Faces, Creation, Yardbirds, etc., An hours worth of Jimmy McGriff, Willie Bobo, Kenny Burrel, Groove Holmes, Pucho & the Latin Soul Brothers, etc., An hour of really popular charted hit soul records like Aretha Franklin, Arthur Conley, Al Green, Stax, James Brown, etc. Then the remaining time might be obscure soul, but it would be things like King Coleman, Bethea the Maskman, Harvey Scales and really funky sounding stuff...probably all from the same three CD compilations. If I'm lucky, somebody will intersperse some actual northern soul for me to dance to-that is, if there is a dance floor not sticky with beer and filled with drunk morons who know f*** all about dancing. Don't get me wrong-I like, and in some cases love many of the things I just mentioned, but if I'm going out and wanting to dance to some northern soul, I don't want that experience. I'm not going to a fashion show to convulse on the dancefloor in a tight suit with a red stripe in my hand y'know? F**K THAT! And the ONLY reason I'm planning on Vegas Shuffle is because I'm guaranteed REAL northern DJs from the UK. See all of you there! KTF Jas
  20. Posted this one in the "northern soul pin-ups" section, but I don't think anyone noticed it. Here's my special edition Bobby Thurston LP with a slight cover variation. Have a look!
  21. Lou Johnson-SOLD Ad Libs-SOLD Ruby & the Romantics-SOLD
  22. Hello everyone! I've decided to give Soul Source first look at my northern soul 45s up for sale. There is a scan for each record, so I will not go into great detail on the descriptions of each record's condition, but I will tell you that they're all at the very least, suitable for deejaying purposes. If you have any further questions about the records, please PM me and I'll be glad to give you the best answers I can. As far as payment, I accept cash, in US dollars (at your own risk and I totally understand if you don't want to do it) or PayPal if you're more comfortable. My PayPal account name is: jason.thornton9@verizon.net Payment address: JASON H. THORNTON 502 S. EAST AVE. BALTIMORE, MD 21224 USA Shipping is $5 for one 45 and $1 extra for each one added on. I'm mostly a collector, so these are just extra copies of records in my collection. I'm 100% honest and a stand-up guy, so you'll get your package sent out very quickly after I receive payment. The only thing that I have no control over is the postal system. Once a record leaves my hands and leaves the USA, there's nothing left I can do. So purchase at your own risk! But I will tell you that whatever you purchase will be what I describe to you. If you receive a 45 that you're genuinely displeased with, go ahead and send it back and I'll take care of you. If you require a soundfile before purchasing, I'll get you an MP3 file-no problem. BTW-My seller name on ebay is "majorwaxbuildup" if you would like to do some looking into my feedback. So on to the sounds! (ALL PRICES ARE IN US DOLLARS!): ACADEMY 118-TOMMY VANN-TOO YOUNG $15 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/academy118tommyvann.jpg ATLANTIC 2165-MEL TORME-COMIN' HOME BABY $30 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/atlantic2165meltorme.jpg BANG 518-EXCITERS-WEDDINGS MAKE ME CRY $15 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/bang518exciters.jpg BIGTOP 101-LOU JOHNSON-UNSATISFIED $35 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/bigtop101loujohnson.jpg BLUE CAT 123-AD LIBS-JOHNNY MY BOY $35 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/bluecat123adlibs.jpg BRUNSWICK 55315-ARTISTICS-GIRL, I NEED YOU $10 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/brunswick55315artistics.jpg BRUNSWICK 755412-BARBARA ACKLIN-SEVEN DAYS OF NIGHT $8 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/brunswick755412Barbaraackl.jpg CALLA 143-JEAN WELLS-WITH MY LOVE AND WHAT YOU'VE GOT $50 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/calla143jeanwells.jpg CALLA 179-THE FUZZ-I'M SO GLAD $12 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/calla179thefuzz.jpg CHANCELLOR 1140-ROYALETTES-BLUE SUMMER $15 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/chancellor1140royalettes.jpg CHARIOT 526-BOB BRADY-EVERYBODY'S GOIN' TO THE LOVE-IN $18 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/chariot526bobbrady.jpg DORE-ENTERTAINERS IV-TEMPTATION WALK $10 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/dore749entertainersiv.jpg EASTERN 604-TINA BRITT-THE REAL THING $15 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/eastern604tinabritt.jpg FRATERNITY 977-CASINOS-I STILL LOVE YOU $8 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/fraternity977casinos.jpg GAMBLE 241-DONNIE VANN-A HUNDRED POUNDS OF CLAY $10 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/gamble241donnievann.jpg GOLDEN WORLD 36-HOLIDAYS-MAKIN' UP TIME $15 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/goldenworld36holidays.jpg KAPP 646-RUBY & THE ROMANTICS-DOES HE REALLY CARE FOR ME? $15 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/kap646rubyromantics.jpg KING 5342-LITTLE WILLIE JOHN-I'M SHAKIN' $45 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/king5342littlewilliejohn.jpg MGM 13291-ROY HAMILTON-YOU CAN COUNT ON ME $100 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/mgm13291royhamilton.jpg OSIRIS 001-MAJOR LANCE-YOU'RE EVERYTHING I NEED $10 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/osiris001majorlance.jpg PI KAPPA 500-STORM-SHE COMES UP $35 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/pikappa500storm.jpg RCA 8070-DELLA REESE-BLOW OUT THE SUN $35 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/rca8070dellareese.jpg RCA 9547-ELVIS PRESLEY-LET YOURSELF GO $15 (Don't laugh! It's good!) https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/rca9547elvis.jpg SPRING 116-WINFIELD PARKER-S.O.S. (STOP HER ON SIGHT) $10 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/spring116winfieldparker.jpg STERLING 505-NORM BURNS & THE FIVE STARS-SOUL STOMPING $100 (Very weird. not for everyone's taste!) https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/sterling505normburns.jpg TEC-WILLIAM DeVAUGHN-HOLD ON TO LOVE $12 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/tec767wmdevaughn.jpg TRA/MOR-ERNEST JONES-I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU $15 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/tramor1923ernestjones.jpg UNITED ARTISTS 980-BOBBY GOLDSBORO-IT'S TOO LATE $10 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/ua980bobbygoldsboro.jpg WINCHESTER 1002-TYMES-THIS TIME IT'S LOVE $15 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/winchester1002tymes.jpg WITCH 101-LOUISE BROWN-SON IN LAW $60 https://www.cre8m.com/soul45s/witch101louisebrown.jpg THANKS FOR LOOKING! KTF Jazzy Jas (PM me here at Soul Source, or e-mail jazzyjas35@hotmail.com)
  23. Got a rare variation on that Bobby Thurston LP. Check it out!
  24. I know a few: Voices of East Harlem-No, No, No-Elektra "Right On Be Free" LP Christian People-Andre & the Disciples-Liberty Three Little Fishes-Bessie Griffin-Liberty (big on the popcorn scene, too) Didn't It Rain-Evelyn Freeman-United Artists (massive spin in Pittsburgh for years!) and here's my all time classic opener... I'll Be Waiting-The Angelic Choir-Savoy--I've opened many sets with this one. It's an absolute killer! The song builds with a spoken intro with each instrument coming in one by one. I'll try to post a sound clip. KTF Jas
  25. Nice versions of "Sunny" and "It Was a Very Good Year" by Della Reese on ABC Paramount singles. Willie Bobo's on Verve also deserves a mention, I think. KTF Jas

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