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Everything posted by Wayoutgirl

  1. Wayoutgirl

    5th anniversary

    From the album: wigan by wayoutgirl

    With the lads from Halifax
  2. Wayoutgirl

    wigan 1979

    From the album: wigan by wayoutgirl

    Me + Julie from Halifax (R.I.P)
  3. Wayoutgirl


    Sorry Ste wasn't tall enough for this one!! Sandra X
  4. It's open for a different kind of scene on most occasions.
  5. I confess!! I go to the wheel for the Sunday sessions and do enjoy them, however do think they're over too soon (3-8,) although doesn't stop me staying out enjoying the company of other soulies in the pub next door afterwards. During the late 70's did Wigan then straight onto an all dayer many times and looked like death warmed up!!
  6. Good for you. I've always clapped after a favourite record to show my appreciation and haven't actually seen the rule book on the do's and don'ts of the etiquette of clapping. Is it new? frankly I don't give a clap!!!
  7. Personally have always preferred the oldies and love the Redemption room at Prestatyn as did Mr M's in the late 70's, Do not attend nighters due to having my kids later in life; Does this make me a bad person if I can only get out to a venue on average once a month and then savour every moment on the dance floor? would rather see people having a good time than an empty dance floor. Life's too short enjoy it while you can!
  8. Remember travelling up to an all nighter in Carisle 1980? on a coach with my mate Julie from Halifax in a blizzard.Didn't get there till 5.00am and managed to sneak in through a fire exit.Blagged a lift in a minibus back to Rochdale but driver had a cob on and kicked us all out at the services.Happy days!!!
  9. It's sad that things can't be left without the risk of theft. Hope that the people who took this will have their consciences pricked although no decent soulie would have even thought of removing the banner.Hope it won't put others off displaying theirs and that it is returned to the rightful owners somehow.
  10. Who doing the set now Lloyd has left with his records??Although some cheesy tunes played was still good to hear them and annoy my hubby with my sing a long session lol
  11. Would normally choose Levi Stubbs evey time but David Ruffin singing "Walk away from Love " is awesome
  12. Not sure, but the girl looks like Julie from Halifax?

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