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Everything posted by Boogaloo

  1. Drat . In my haste to contact you I forgot to pm you and not open this up to public consumption. But it's a tune I've after for ages. Warren
  2. Hiya Paul I'll have it if you still have it. Can you call me on 07838 181 375 if it's still available. Ta Warren
  3. Confession time, Joan. Didn't realise I had the bloody record myself after you played it on Saturday night. I bought it originally for the other side and have only ever played that side. Funny thing this Northern soul, eh. Warren
  4. "Kids, stay in your rooms and lock the doors. And don't come out til I tell you it's safe."
  5. Anyone got a copy of the following tunes for sale or trade Dynamite exploded Be yourself LP - Love, featuring the track - Make love to me Pm me with prices, please or call me on 07838181375 Regards Warren
  6. Actually one of my points. Because the Northern soul scene has been running for nearly 40 years each 5-6 years brings a new sound to the fold. Oldies from Wigan have a different sound to Stafford etc. And if you think of how many styles of music are wrapped around the name Northern soul it's bewildering. The controversial thing is that I think soul (and I mean soul not pop) tunes played in the 70's have a more captivating and (dare I say it) better sound than many new (new meaning new to the scene) tunes played today. You may not agree but again its all down to personal preference, anyway. Warren
  7. Well for my penny's worth I like a dj to speak if (and this has already been said) you can actually hear them and/or they have something interesting to say. I don't have a problem with djs that don't mike-up but I'm one of those who get a bit embarrassed asking after every third record 'what's this one, then'. There is definitely an art to speaking on mike and most of us are just OK at it but some do sparkle - Jo Wallace and Chris King - to name two. Rowly, this topic really seems to have brought out the real 'grumps' in you. Warren
  8. Hi Folks Looking for these choice items at the mo. Pm me or reply if you have any for sales Sandra Philips - Wish I had known - Okeh Otis Williams - Got to get myself together - Okeh Vikki Styles - Tears won't stop falling - ODex Betty Wilson - I'm yours - Dayco Gloria Grey - It's a sweet world - Warner Bros Jimmy Brown - Always good to me - Megatone
  9. It is definitely on Blue Barry. Top, top tune. Warren Booglaoo
  10. Been done before, I know and to be honest I love both. Whether I've heard a tune 1000 times or for the first time. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, if you didn't know anything about Northern soul and never heard an oldie or a newie, which would you prefer. I got no idea. Warren Boogaloo
  11. Me neither, not a damn thing. Like every love affair, no one's happy all the time. Peace and Love Warren Boogaloo
  12. Dearest James. The cost of living is made up of a number of factors. Inflation being one that affect it. It isn't the only indicator. Some of the factors are goods and services depending on where you live, food, clothing, household goods, transportation and entertainment. A tight wad, like myself, has a lower cost of living cos I'm always first out of the car and last one to the bar.
  13. Nice one MIkey. However, surely the fact that wages have outstripped inflation must be factored into the equasion plus the cost of living should also affect the results. Warren
  14. Get your fire extinguisher out girl. Been looking for this for about 6 months for about £75. Got a couple of very overpriced offers but haven't had a snifter for months. Must be rarer than Vikki Styles . Warren Boogaloo
  15. Only £5 per week for your keep. You had it good. I remember my mum saying that if I didn't stay on at school she'd want £7 a week for my keep. But then again she only owned Jim Reeves records.
  16. ............ how much would it be in today's money. Had this very same conversation with a pal of mine at the last Boogaloo. Got onto the subject because I remember selling a record (can't even remember what it was) for £14 on the train to Wigan in 1978 and dined out for more than a month on the profits. This becomes even more complicated considering that we were much younger then and very much poorer so the difference would be even greater. There were even regional differences in record prices then, as well. Basically could someone come up with a mathematical formula to work out how much was a fiver worth back then. Warren Boogaloo
  17. Could be tempted to trade for the right tune/s. PM me. Warren
  18. Go on Joan, send him a clip and chuck one over to me while you're at it. Now then, now then, do you think Jim could fix it for me to get a copy of said disc before Saturday at a price as near to Tim Brown's price as possible. Then again does the Pope dance to Northern. I don't think so. Warren
  19. Anyone got a value on this, then?
  20. Just a few tunes i'm looking for at the mo. Can you pm me if you have any of these with prices' not offers. Ta Warren Jimmy Brown - Always good to me - Megatone Otis Rush - Homework (not sure of label) Otis Williams - Got to get myself together - Okeh Vikki Styles - Tears won't stop falling - ODex Junior Lewis - Tears on my face Gloria Grey - It's a sweet world - Warner Bros
  21. Hiya Been looking for this for ages but can't find it on either single or album. Anyone know the format, label, how much and have you one for sale? Ta Warren
  22. Manny Corchado, Hector Rivera, Sam Fletcher!!!! If these are popcorn I'm booking my hovercraft to Ostend this weekend. I knew about 25% of the top 50 favourites and must say I love 'em. Could I be really cheeky and ask if anyone has a CD of classic popcorn stuff especially some of dem cooool lateeen tooons. I can trade some RnB. latin compilations in exchange or, if I really have to, pay hard wonga. Peace and love Warrenito Boogalooimenez
  23. Blimey, i'd trade the wife for this one and she's only got one figure. By the way, anyone on site who knows her - I was only joking, honest hun.

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