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Everything posted by Boogaloo

  1. Actually, Mike you're right. I got it wrong. The Belly Dancing Academy was given to her after her uncle, Alfie 'Fingers' McCullough was falsly arrested in that Eastern European Nipple Ring scandal a few years ago. Alfie, now that's a bloke who could samba.
  2. She's alive and well and living in Manchester. She had to retire from the circus act after the snake got larygnitis but after the lottery win she did quite well out of the belly dancing acedemy. Unfortunately we had to sack her from djing at Boogaloo when the guy from the off licence next door kept finding her knickers in the Cheese and Onion crisps box. Saying that I don't bare grudges and would welcome her back with open arms.Â
  3. Stubbsy, you know I'm after this as well. Pm me.Â
  4. Nah, not at all. One of the points of this thread was that some records that are deemed to be rare seem to spring up very regularly as has been discovered with some of the tunes listed in other posts.
  5. Apart from one off acetates I believe that our ´rare´ soul scene isn´t as rare as we might think. Some rare tunes seem to come up every week (with the appropriate rare soul price, I might add). Some of the cheapies on my wants list never seem to come up so does that make them rare. Anyway, I´ve been scratching my head to think of tunes that have never been listed for sale on ebay. The only one I can think of is Little Tommy on Gogate. Any others?
  6. Anyone got a Fabulous Apollos - Determination on Valtone for £200 they want to get rid of? Comments on whether this is a realistic price to pay for this record are not only welcomed but are actively encouraged.
  7. Sounds like some people want a record to be rarer than it actually is.
  8. I know someone that's after a copy. Anyone?
  9. Hi y'all Anyone got this for sale. I'm only going to pay about £100 for a stock original minter so before the hoards tell me no way will I get one for that price, I reply that 'if ya don't ask-ya don't get' I thangyew Your faithful servant Warren B
  10. The Walter hadn't got any bids at 1.55 so I assume it went unsold. Had my eye on the Patrinell but after listening to the soundbite thought better of it. Think that went unsold too
  11. How'd this one end up plus the others. Ace tune but far too much by last night's total. Anyone got a coy at the book price for sale?
  12. Excellent tune, Steve. Got my singles in the post this morning. Love that girl is deffo on my playlist - superb.
  13. Hi Al Missed you last night. Mind you we were upstairs in the Champagne bar shaking our jewellery. Great gig wunnit. Joss was actually sitting at the next table to us with Mica Parish on the other side. Superb night. Your right the album is excellent.
  14. Aaaah, you've discovered my ulterior motive. Actually, it was also to get people thinking about how they dj. I know, as much as anyone, how easy it is to dj with big ticket items and £20 tunes are not necessarily great records but they hardly ever feature in most set lists I read. What I'm also looking for is how we put together a set of tunes and why. It's also easy to string together 10 'bedroom' tunes (ones that work well in-doors but don't work in a club). The £200 is a limit but it shouldn't be a limit to taste and skill.
  15. OK, you've got 30 minutes, 10-12 records and a budget of £200. Your audience is knowledgable and expecting a good night. What do you do? Cack it or crack it? Discuss.
  16. Boogaloo

    Hit the Bongo Ont 2008

    A one-off night of pure 60's Latin soul and Boogaloo. DJ's for the night were Warren Boogaloo, Mark Ellis and Rob Messer. We all had a great time. Hoping to make this a more regular event for the future and you can be assured that we'll be spinning all the top Latin sounds plus loads of unknown and semi-known tunes from the Fania, Uptite, Alegre, Cotique labels and all from chunky black original vinyl. Tunes that wer played include: Bobby Valentin - Use it before you lose it; Hector Rivera - I want a chance for romance; Ray Barretto - Hard hands; Tito Puente - Hit the Bongo; Harvey Averne - Never learned to dance; Manny Corchado - Pow Wow.

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