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Everything posted by Boogaloo

  1. Don't wish to hijack the thread but shouldn't the more relevant question be 'What's the 2nd most expensive record'?
  2. Good luck with this one. You might try putting a search on ebay with the flip 'dynamite' as it's often listed for this side but the funk boys want this as well. Comes up about twice a year on ebay. Funny thing was, about 3 years ago I had a spare of this for about 6 months and couldn't get rid of it - even John Manship said 'No one in there right mind would pay £150 for a Harvey Averne record'
  3. Actually Kylie I love the photos that you put up BECAUSE you take the time to put names to faces. In fact I've learnt the names of people I've known and chatted to for years and years on the scene but was too scared to ask 'What was your name again' . I look at the gallery to spot people I know but also to see what the vibe is like at some of the clubs I'm thinking of supporting that I've never been to. Feel cheated when people post up photos of just people without showing what the dance floor action was like. I adore the old Wigan photos coz they take me back. Wish I had some photos of me and my mates from that era. Anyone with old Wigan, Yate etc featuring the Gloucester crew would be much appreciated. Keep snapping girl - me and the other aging, knobheads salute you. Cheers Warren
  4. Got one. Now where can I play it? Oh yes, I know
  5. Well I've had two offers plus some very interesting bits of advice. Still looking tho. Cheers Warren
  6. Been offered one for £150. Good price? Anyone got one for less than this? Cheers Warren
  7. GUITAR SLIM - THATS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT - BO-RO Looking for this. Let me know if you've got one for sale. Ta Warren
  8. Anyone got a copy for sale in super dooper condition give me a buzz. Know what I'd be willing to pay so send me your price and I'll let you know. Cheers Warren Got one. Now where can I play it? Oh yes, I know
  9. Every bloody time you put up a sales list there's always something on there I want and I'm always tooooooooo bloody late. Stop doing this. Cheers mate. Warren
  10. I'd do it if there were new site special offers for early usersÂ
  11. An interesting topic, Helen. I can look at this from three perspectives 1. I’m a dancer and want to hear good tunes played that rock my boat (old and new, it doesn’t matter to me, as long as they’re good), 2. I’m a collector and love it if people dig my taste in music and actually show appreciation (clap, ask about the tune, dance etc) and 3. I’m a promoter and want to put on nights that please the majority of the punters I attract coz I want them coming back. Three different perspectives but whichever one you fall into - you want a bloody good night. I’ve been to half empty dos with excellent, excellent music and had a great time coz the tunes have been superb (I’ve run my fair share of these LOL). I’ve been to packed dos that play oldy, oldy oldies and had a great time coz the atmosphere was buzzing. I’m in the camp that says a dj should be both a leader and a follower. My stock rule for djing is if you don’t clear the floor at least 3 times during your set you’re boring and playing it too safe BUT you’ve got to be able to bring ‘em back when you want to. A dj should F*** with people’s minds a bit and also massage their temples with some choice goodies. An empty floor for more than 20 mins is incompetence (IMHO) - someone unwilling or, even worse unable to control the crowd. Intelligent djs (unfortunately not enough around) should play to the ears, mind, heart and feet. Good djs scan the room for what they should play, what goodies the punters need to hear and what they can get away with. And before you ask, yes I’ll still be clearing floors with me Latin for quite a few years before I decide I’m flogging a dead horse. Actually some of the most popular spins at Boogaloo on Sat night were the Latin tunes. So there.Â
  12. No it doesn't. I'm still on the old site for both web address
  13. Promotings like an addiction and I have to admit I’m an addict. I love getting people together and giving them a great night out with some awesome music thrown in. Mind you it’s not for everyone because it can be stressful and I’ve seen lots of people lose hair, money, sleep, friends, sanity, their perspective on life and the will to live. My tip, for what it’s worth, is if you love it do it but don’t forget it’s not the only thing in your life.Â
  14. Well, well. £132 off Manship's list. I'm still looking for a minty copy for £100. If you've got one for sale at that price pm me - if not don't lets waste each other's time, eh?
  15. I'm still no bloody nearer finding out what it is. I'm crap at this.Â
  16. Thanks mate. Let's not over hype it too much tho. It's not that great - thought it would make a good stocking filler for easter.Â
  17. Heard this recently and would like some info on it. Only know the title and it's a male singer and it's a big belting tune. Not much I know but I hear Mace and Andy Dyson are playing it so any info and, more importantly, how much (and does anyone have a copy) type of responses preferred. Thanks
  18. Doesn't anyone care anymore. Actually this may sound cheeky but why doesn't John do this every Weds night so we don't have to rely on Sebastian each week.
  19. Brilliant. Just bloody brilliant. I'm crying with laughter as I'm typing this. Is that a real soul night photo? To answer the original question Boogaloosoul will be up and running this Saturday. It's all thaw, thaw, thaw down here. And before anyone mentions it again I will be putting some money in the lecky meter this week so the place will be warm and snuggy. Cheers Warren
  20. Personally, I love it all. The music, the clubs, the record collecting, the mates I've made, the times i've had. Hell, I even find the negative moaners funny .Â
  21. Blimey Kev, is that you? Forget the records mate. Original photos of the Crimean War sell for big money on ebayÂ
  22. Thought this was rare as hen's teeth but a copy seems to come up for sale every month over the last year. Is it really that rare?
  23. Well VG+ demo just got sold on ebay for £96 so I'm still looking for a deal. Cheers Warren

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