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Everything posted by P5oulh

  1. anyone got a copy of the ovations on goldwax 110 won,t you call - pretty little angel cash waiting thanks
  2. Has nobody got one for sale please i,ll resort to begging
  3. would you consider trades for the chico lamarr
  4. so did i
  5. i,ll take anything but a rust bucket
  6. Hi anyone got a copy of the escorts you can,t even be my friend cash waiting thanks
  7. Hi Chalky have not got a clue on this i was told someone was willing to part with a £1000 anywhere near that would please me as the don hysong is costing me about the same but i wll consider a serious offer it is totally unplayed thanks for your help and input paul.
  8. Would consider it a pleasure can i let tony know to bring some tunes as well let me know i won,t tell tony till it is ok most gracious thanks paul
  9. the pioneers were eddy grants group and if i,m not mistaken ice is his own label and ice still produce back catalogue stuff unfortunately not this track
  10. Calvin williams on ebay at the moment no bids
  11. teddy pendergrass turn off the lights
  12. betty o,brien SHE,LL be gone
  13. Hi is the mark iv still for sale
  14. hi there is a bobby kline on paul capon,s auction this week with the labels the right way round i actually think manship is auctioning this for him
  15. Hi i will give him £300 e-mail paul.havakin@ntlworld.com if still available thanks
  16. Hipcity have a copy on gemm for the princely sum of $96 be quick
  17. Hi has anyone got a copy of papa bear & the cubs youre so fine onsms please help will pay hansome sum thanks, contact me at paul.havakin@ntlworld.com
  18. Has anyone read this persons profile on interests they suddenly got better at english???
  19. always worried about belgian dealers especially anyone who uses the phrase to screw ???
  20. four tops its the way nature planned it paul smith i,ll run
  21. Hi i am interested in the paul thompson at the right price
  22. Hi i was the person who put up the post about lil peddler and i have to apologise the singing swinging counts is genuine although the scan of the label led me to beleive it was not a real one plus info i had been given i was wrong he actually admitted the scan is deceiving and said he would change the discription. i had a look at his feedback and he has a good ammount of feedback as far as the oxford nights go i dont think he would risk his reputation on a boot of that price size the only thing i disagree with his the no refund policy.
  23. Just to clear something up i have e-mailed little peddler and he assures me the writing is silver and original so if anyone does buy one they are real although the label scan looks gold thanks for info Paul.
  24. Hi all could anybody clear a matter up i have just purchased the singing swinging counts "along the way" on the label the seller has it up as rare and original but a reliable source informed me the originals have silver writing this has gold what is the original as the seller has no refund thanks for any info Paul.
  25. rarer than hens teeth

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