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Everything posted by steephill

  1. Looking for the above record in ex or better condition.Pm`s only please. Thanks.
  2. So lighter fluid won`t damage the vinyl when used (carefully) in its pure form directly onto the vinyl (as opposed to styrene?) Sorry,but I have to be 100% certain before I do anything on this record...Thanks again guys!
  3. Just curious though,how would isopropyl do when applied to glue residue?
  4. Thanks Kev,will buy lighter fluid tomorrow and do as advised,thanks again for good help!
  5. How would you mix petrol fluid and water? 50/50 okay? Thanks.
  6. When using petrol lighter fluid do you mix it with water or use pure? Btw,is the the same fluid used in Zippo lighters?
  7. So the wash up liquid will dissolve adhesive goo caused by tape residue?
  8. Got a 45 in the mail today,and due to bad packaging a piece of tape got stuck on the outer edge and intro of the record,leaving tape residue/glue on the vinyl.How do I safely remove this tape residue without damaging the vinyl? Would pure Isopropanyl do the trick? Thanks.
  9. Got a copy of the above 45 in the mailbox today which looks mint,a nice copy visually indeed.The problem is though that it sounds lo-fi at best.Very quiet pressing and some distortion too (in the right channel)l.Are all copies like this or are some copies better sounding than others?
  10. Thanks for good advise guys,will go to my supplier of dj equipment in January and see what he has to offer.Still not convinced that a conical tip will cause less wear than a elliptical one though.Seems to be different opinions on this subject everywhere I search,but the point about "... less pressure per square inch —hence less record wear..." seems logical to me.
  11. Thanks for all the info! I use an ortofon nightclub mkii cartridge with an elliptical tip.It has good sound quality,but in light of what I`ve read in this thread I`m thinking about changing to an cartidge/stylus with an conical tip - do you have any suggestions?
  12. How do you tell if the turntable is mistracking exactly?
  13. Always thought lower tracking force meant less record wear regardless,you`ll live and learn I guess.I hope the key word is CAN cause damage to the grooves btw,hate the idea that I`ve damaged all my 45s while dj`ing;) How much pressure do you reckon is enough on a needle with recommeded tracking force between 2-5g btw? At the lower or higher end?
  14. I see.But as long as the needle stays in the groove and doesn't skip,and the sound quality is good (no distortion etc),could there still be damage to the vinyl/styrene with lower tracking force than recommended by the manufacturer? Haven't noticed any problems on my records so far?...
  15. Using an elliptical ortofon nightclub cartridge/stylus with tracking force at 1,5g (a lower tracking force than recommended by the manufacturer which is at 2-5gram),will this damage vinyl or styrene?
  16. Looking for a ex or better copy of the above record.Pm`s only please. Thanks.
  17. Looking for a clean copy of the above record.Pm`s only please. Thanks.
  18. Looking for a clean copy of the above record.Pm`s only please. Thanks.
  19. yes,missed the copy on angloamerican myself.still looking btw...
  20. Looking for a clean,ex or better,copy of the above record.
  21. Have a copy of this record in visual vg- condition with label wear and lots of small marks on vinyl - plays very well.Will send sound file upon request.Looking for £400 in trade value.Don`t have any specific wants,but looking for equally rare/priced 70s soul/funk.Pm`s only please. Bjoern
  22. Looking for a vg++/mint- copy of the above record. cheers...Bjoern
  23. Looking for other quality 70`s soul.. Contact me at bjoernespen at gmail.com if interested.. best regards, Bjoern
  24. Record is in mint- condition.Looking for other quality 70`s or 80`s soul.. Please send a mail to bjoernespen at gmail.com with offers.. cheers..Bjoern

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