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Everything posted by jasonion

  1. Cheers for that Pete. Made my Day! Played it to a friend last night down the phone to see what he thought. Didn't expect him to start sobbing. Better tell him tonight before he turns me house over that i aint really got a copy of Butch's Temptones c/u.
  2. A mate of mine, who collects rather than d.j's, was asked to do a spot at a local night. stood there with a couple of old friends and (unknown to them) his Wife. These lads slated him throughout his spot for playing "obscure crap". Could've died! Soon as he'd finished tried and testeds got played and they were up for the rest of the night. What i don't get is why they decided to stop listening to stuff they didn't know. Seems wierd to me
  3. They scare the sh*t out of me! .Mind you, who looks the bigger fool? me, standin' there, bored to tears; or them, enjoyin' themselves and going for it?!
  4. Too true! First time we went Stafford we got trouble. Mind you, we were green as grass and walked straight into the nightclub intstead of going upstairs for the first half hour. A lad tapped me on the shoulder and asked where we were from. Told him Northampton and he said "thats near enough. Me and my boys wanna know!" So yeah, kinda guess it was an 80's football thing that meant if you were in a group trouble wasn't far away.
  5. popular, as in liked by many. Never mentioned attendance. Most of the 'nighters i attended were busy, but usually by the same faces you saw last week. Where was Droylesden?.. I used to say the same every time we went! Was notorious for car break ins. Came out one morning and nearly everyones car had been stoved :angry:
  6. Same here. Really enjoyed the 80's, all the way through to the early 90's. then, it seemed to me, in a matter of months the scene changed, round about when Droylesden closed. Suddenly 'nighters felt like groundhog day. Thought it was me at the time but, looking back, people who i thought were far more passionate about the scene than i was started to disappear The 80's were a low point as far as popularity was concerned, but not for those who attended. Really felt underground AND progressive
  7. Got one already rather, my partner has. You certainly ain't skimping on the vinyl.
  8. The only drawback is it takes two of us to lift it on to the turntable!
  9. I thought Pete S was knocking them out.
  10. its a reverbing glockensh.. glokenspe.. glokkenspie.. f*ck it, its a steel drum.
  11. how come Dan got one with steel drums. Bloody favouritism if you ask me
  12. Personally, i've never understood what makes anyone request at a soul do. Can't think of one tune that i need to hear that desperately. It ain't like it was, say 10 years ago when you had to put the miles in to hear the tunes you wanted. Nowadays, with the internet, you can get sick and tired of your favourites without leaving your house. A good d.j can read the floor and really doesn't need my opinion of what he's gotta play to make it a PERFECT night, christ, there's enough decent records out there. Having said that, get me pi**ed on a New years eve and i'd firewalk to get my request in.
  13. Along vaguely the same lines, seem to remember being told that Johnny Beggs voiced over an instrumental, probably 8 years ago now. Or was i being Mr guillable from hoodwink Street?

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