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Everything posted by jasonion

  1. Aint no love lost - patti jo - scepter 11352 refosoul A predictable Patti Jo..
  2. Love love love - j r bailey - toy 11293 refosoul Bought after getting a belting John Corless tape maybe 12 years ago.
  3. The eyes don't know the feeling - j r bailey - r c a 11292 refosoul
  4. I'll never let him go - betty freeman - bargain 11224 refosoul Sounds more R&R to me, but its listed.
  5. This time you're wrong - Carol Kay - Wright-sound
  6. It hurts to see you happy - Sylvia St Claire - Brunswick Bit ropey this..
  7. I'm just a teenager - Lee Williams & Cymbals - Rapda
  8. Yeah, the track's called 'anymore'. Think this question's been asked once or twice on here before with no response which either means no-one knows, or no-one cares! Was told that the mispress & the correct pressing looked identical so perhaps it's quite difficult to gauge its rarity. Great tune though
  9. Countyourself lucky that in your house your allowed to put your feet up on the furniture
  10. Sure i saw a 45 go through ebay recently by "Gypsy" recenlty, titled 'cuz it's you girl', not on the R.C.A label. Went for around a ton. Is this a different version or an earlier/later pressing?
  11. The bevel is on the edge (run in) of the disc. It's quite distinct (mine looks about 3mm.) I imagine the originals finish square at the edge.
  12. And Buddy Smith, When you lose the one you love.
  13. Jeez, that's wierd. Was gonna post whatever happened to Mike on here last week. P.s, Droylseden was quality. And you never knew if you were gonna ever see your car again once you went inside.
  14. Mr Manship's booked it at £200
  15. Thanks for posting that Simon. Damn, thats so sad.
  16. Should've guessed, Nice drop then!
  17. Ones just gone through on ebay. £288.00 Curly Moore
  18. Thanks for posting that Pete. Remember that well, just spotted meself in the Queue.
  19. quote name='Dayo' post='324931' date='Aug 1 2006, 05:53 PM'] The guy has a deep voice, whoever he is, but it's not THAT deep! No-one is. Have a careful listen and you can hear that the vocal was slowed mechanically. In other words, you record the track, play it back at a slightly faster speed to record the vocals, then you master the disc at the correct tempo and the voice is magicly deeper. It was a common technique in the 60's, but usually employed in reverse, that is the vocal was recorded at a slower tempo and key, then speeded back up to the correct pitch. It was an analogue form of pitch shifting if you like. Never forget hearing that one on the great sound system at Blackpool Mecca. And it's right, you can't get more Northern. Now pass me a bottle of coke... PS Once called my girlfriend a "fine foxy thing". She's still laughing now!
  20. Just checked mine (on Aol too) & it's saying Flash 9. Update available maybe?
  21. Sitting upstairs in the modern room at Kings Hall & deciding the quickest way to the dance floor was across the rows of chairs. Did the first three ok, clipped the back rest of the fourth with my trailing leg causing me to punt some young lady square between the eyes. The more you apologise, the worst it gets
  22. Only when you frown.
  23. Got it here. Better hold back posting it up untill Mike gives the all clear? Could p.m it s'pose if anyones that desperate?!

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