If anyone hasn't seen chasing rainbows, Virgin media are now showing all 7 episodes on its t.v choice, on demand service. Under 'entertainment'. Episode 7 has the Stafford footage. Very clear picture.
Spent the last month or two looking in the b.i.n's hoping to find knock down wants.
Didn't happen so i bought a load of cheap sh#t instead.
One'sy Mack- I'll never go away- Goda
Nova's Nine- Why listen- abc
Bobby Williams- It's all over- Sure-shot
Wonderettes- I feel strange- Ruby
Anna King- Come & get these memories- Smash
Barbara Lewis- Someday we're gonna love again- Atlantic
Johnny Washington- Oh Girl- De-lite
Lee Williams & Cymbals- A girl from a country town- Rapda
Lee Williams & Cymbals- It's everthing about you- Carnival
Windy City- Fool or your man- Chi-sound
Major iv- I don't believe in losing- Venture
Howard Tate- These are the things that make me know you're gone- Turntable
All around the $9.99 mark
Plus a couple of bargains.
A mint James Walsh Gypsy Band for $6.00
Yvonne Carroll- Please don't go- Vee Jay- $15.00
Billy Eckstine- I wonder Why- Motown- $21.00
& a Sylvia st Claire you could shave with for $1.99