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Irish Spinner

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Everything posted by Irish Spinner

  1. The Harrison Brothers {Bobalou Records‎} – Run For Your Life M- £175 Sold B. B. Brown { PitPot} – My Love For You / Low Down Dirty Tramp M- £125 Sold Billy Frazier - Oh Baby (Look At Me) {Music World Records} Promo M- £80 The Variations { Right on records} ‎– I Wanna Take You Uptown Ex £175 U.K postage paid
  2. FREDDIE WILLIAMS minor scratch dnap, Ex con labels M- Offers over £400 .JIMMY ARMSTRONG Ex con Offers over £400 Offers on both records close 7/9/18 @ 20.00hrs U.K postage £7.50 all other places £10........ Paypal f&f if not add 4%
  4. Carl Holmes....Crossing Over- Soul Dance No3
  5. Track 243 never herd it played out not to say it hasn't been. Its an LP track so I would have thought that might ring a few bells with the modern slightly funky edged followers on here. Still dont touch Cool aid.. Atb Irish..https://youtu.be/KBX27j9sr34
  6. Don't forget it ain't how fast you think a track is. Its the beat you can't handle. Due to your a lack of rhythm on the dance floor. Just watch how to keep up with the beat. They soon filled the floor at the start of this grt track at the last Burnley all niter. Then they dropped like flies when this extremely hard dance track got going. Played out by The Ruddster hard core luv it. .https://youtu.be/8OkDOV9RmSA
  7. Syl's other "Try Me" on a Twinight Demo I have ...
  8. Unique style just about sums Danny up when it came pulling of a spin. The start and the end just as important as the middle bit, that's what made it all flow. When your in full flight it looks much the same as the rest well almost !!! How you got there and came out of a spin without wiping out half the dance floor was the key. He sure had that mastered. As for video there was hardly a camera around then. I guess you wouldn't have had one very long lol and cameras were keep well away from the dance floor. But I know were your coming from on that score. There sure are a few parts to a spin never copied,only because the factor of timing started in your head in the way of feeling it, doing it,and what it lead to next,when a particular record was being played that's wot ya call being in the zone and Danny managed that very well as did Bill. Atb Irish
  9. This Pic of myself on the left and Bill Bingham at the Peterborough all nighter in 1974 picture Taken by Danny Daniels RIP We were all very close friends from Cambridgeshire and the lads were top dancers from Cambs (Peterbro) Danny went on to win the Casino dance comp 1975 we all worked hard at perfecting our spinning Technics out on the floor. In my opinion Danny was to become one of the best speed wise to Squeek (Andy Peake) from Wolvo a Cats local I would say Danny was more consistent with good technic. The Cats turned out some of the best dancers and top spinners I have known, my mate Gethro for one the best all round dancer. Jacko great spinner and Squeek who was by far the fastest spinner on the Casino floor at that time 73/74. Frank Booper Ex Wheeler set the Bar for us all to better.It was just about bettering your self as a dancer with the up most respect for others on the floor not winning a competition witch I am sure Danny would have agreed with. I guess the though of winning a few pounds for doing what you did best always would have come in handy when you were only earning about £10 a week as a teenager lol. R.I.P Danny Irish
  10. This Pic was taken by Danny Daniels RIP winner of the Casino dance comp 1975 we all worked hard at perfecting our spinning Technics out on the floor
  11. From the album: Me & nites out

    Me in the middle,Paul Lennard on the left and Geoff Moody on the right . We all lived in Cambridge in 1973 when the pic was taken. Our local soul venue was The Howard Mallett, the lads were my all nighter traveling buddies to the Casino, Leeds Central , & Va Va from 1973/76
  12. Irish Spinner

    Me & nites out

  13. i must have missed that bit Kev or was it your wishful thinking mate. lol ....Atb Irish
  14. An interesting little summery of a subculture . Each to there own and some people reading that will be well pissed off at that opinion. As for the line: "I love nothing more than selling a rare "northern" 45 because I never feel a sense of loss like I would if it was a funk,Brazilian,reggae,ska,latin or psych 45." I guess there many who hide under the umbrella of Northern followers would agree with that but wouldn't have the balls to admit it.
  15. Well just read your post thought you might like to see this pic Billy Bingham & Myself me on the left Bill on the right,1974 at a niter in Peterborough Pic was taken by Danny Daniels. Billy still cuts in on a dance floor till this day. Atb Irish
  16. I guess a lot of us have all spun this one our loving Mum..as a young teen.. I am just stopping over at me mates tonight,as you walk out the door bag in hand. Your carrying change of clothes, polished shoes, tee shirt ,towel can of deodorant. Off on what could be 100/ 300 plus miles round trip by any means possible,for your first few all nighters. Returning the next day, like you have been on manoeuvres with the SAS on a night mission. Then have the ordacity to spin the same yarn the following few weeks. Atb Irish
  17. oldies nights...oldies dj,s....oldies attitude.....get there just before my set.....go home just after......what goes before me, l ain,t listening and even if l was (which l ain,t) who cares?....what goes after....l ain,t listening......coz i,ve gone.....anyway who cares.....you,ve paid ya £10....stop moaning Gordon, When the brain ceases to be responsive to incoming sound waves,that should give a feeling of stimulation. A repetitive sound is sometimes the only form of communication. This theory is regularly applied in the form a good ear bashing OR a night out at the wrong venue. lol Atb Irish
  18. The Casino was Top Draw for me nothing to touch it, 73/76. Bad bits don't remember any worth slagging the place for!!!. Oh yes hated wallowing around in piss in the bog's use to go in on tip toes to stop the leather soles getting to wet. Made you look taller less chance of being robbed OR may be that was knuckle duster I had on, lol. A bit clandestine apparently. Records turned over at a hell of a rate. Happy Days. Atb Irish
  19. Two for starters. https://youtu.be/H0DhNpFJ2hM https://youtu.be/-yo5_q3PRDg
  20. The trip back to Cambridge after the Casino 74. Four of us in car when it broke down on the slip road to the M6 shit!!! closely followed by a cop car but as luck had it, a mechanic was driving the car . He towed us back to the police garage but could not get the car started, so we headed to the coach station. Would you believe it a coach for Cambridge was parked with with its engine running and doors open. Although the coach was more than half empty all seats had been booked, and the next coach was 2pm that day. Well we split up into two, a lad originally from Ipswich and his mate. My best mate Dave Giedd and myself headed off thumbs out as we walked. It wasn't to long before we got a lift to Stoke Jcn and then on to a Wolverhampton/Brum Jcn. So far so good we thought till after almost 3 hours it was past mid day before a good hearted yank picked us up in a cadillac a bit of style we thought.We told the driver we where heading M6/M1 Jump in guys he said then proceeded M6/M5 Foookin tosser I thought kind hearted though. We told him to stop the car so we could get out, only to find ourselves straddled between two motor ways scary I tell ya. But who should come to the rescue again but PLOD in a XJ12 . One of the kind police men risked life and limb crossing busy lanes to escort us back to the Jag. It took off like a rocket 120 on the clock it hardly felt we where moving the cops took us right back to the Jcn we were stuck at for 3 hours.Lets try again but not after still feeling a bit lively I hopped on on Dave's shoulders to write on the motor way sign Dave & Irish were here. That writing stayed on that sign for a few weeks I guess only to be seen by other niter lads stuck at the Jcn just as we were. It began to sink in how far from home we really were. After a few short lifts we got to Jcn 15 on the M1 it was well into the afternoon by then on the journey across country from Beds to Cambridge it was getting harder to get a lift as day light faded and we weren't far behind it, Thirty some hours was taking it toll on us the, last few caps got dropped in the back of the cop car when it towed us of the slip road at Wigan. We got into St Neots at 11 PM .Only to wait till about 12.30 still with no lift not a cop car in sight when you really needed one, f*ck we must have looked a state no wonder cars carried on. I made the call to walk to Caxton Jib-bit thats only about 5 mile or so on a good day . The road was as black as the ace of spades, night fell like a fookin stone, only the white lines could be seen on the road, We plodded on I began to hallucinate at this stage and was wonder all over the place, as I watched the white road lines raise from the road and people dancing on top of an old garage roof in the distance so I thought just couldn't here wot they were dancing to. The odd car whizzed passed us as we both staggered along the road. 5 mile was taking as long as 15 . There were street lights in the distance and I could see more cars at the cross roads ahead thank God. We sat down at the Cambridge Jcn and waited it was now 6am Monday morning. Our final lift came along and dropped us off about 3 miles from our home's .I hit my bed around 7.15 am and my mum god bless her called me for breakfast and work about 7.20. My mum left for work and I went back to bed I slept for 23hrs, my dad said I never even got up to have a piss, he never seen anything like it . Soon it was the weekend and I started all over again for the next two years or so. Happy day miss spent youth I weighed in at a mean lean 10st 7lbs in those days.No bloody wonder lol. Atb Irish
  21. Someone's quote : " When they saw the people dancing, they thought they were mad. Because they couldn't here the music." See ya on the dance floor. Atb Irish

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