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The Animal

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About The Animal

  • Birthday 06/12/1960

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  • Location
    Selby, Yorks
  • Interests
    Gun dogs, Cricket, NBA
  • Top Soul Sound
    So so many. Sam Dees After All(for a non dancer)

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  1. Selby Youth Club circa 1973/1974. Kal Eye Disco run by someone called Dipper from Knottingley I think. My older sister made sure I was there and I fell in love with ‘Samantha Jones - Surrounded By A Ray Of Sunshine’. This led her to ask Arthur and Ian who were big collectors to do me some cassette tapes. Not much pop on them and I would say that many were classic rare and very popular soul tunes over the next few years. I never looked back from there and still love all types of soul from 60’s to 22 releases. I know this will get thousands of replies from soulies who were there disputing my memories……….or at least some very good table tennis players…..
  2. "Let the doorknob hit yer where the dog should have bit yer." Marlena Shaw. Yuma go away little boy.
  3. I was passing a local church today and there was a banner advertising "Riverside Stompers." I thought Northern was finally making a return to Selby. Thought I may even dig the brogues out and polish them up for a dance. i have since found out that "The Riverside Stompers" are a band from Vienna playing New Orleans Jazz and Dixieland. Decided best go in,t Hobnails and do a "Floorsprung Dork Technique." Anyone else been deceived by a sign or advert? (Joking)
  4. ITV showed a programme of 26 episodes of 'The World At War' in the early 70's (narrated by Laurence Olivier) which was the most expensive series ever recorded at the time of completion in 1973. That only covered 6 years of the Second World War. i cannot conceive how any broadcaster could afford to cover a soul scene which approaches 50 years in the UK. How could they possibly cover: The events: Every nighter, dayer or soul night? The record finders and breakers? The promoters and organisers? The dancers and everyday soul lovers? The drug dealers and quick buck merchants? I just don't think IMO that it can ever be done completely. Just be thankful (William DeVaughn) for what you got.
  5. Virgil Henry "Ain't saying nothing new". The whole chorus part. Bobby Cutchins "I did it again". "The wall I built just came tumbling down................brick by brick." Jerry Warren "I really love you". Trumpet break. Skip Mahoney "Janice". "I feel just like a wolf up in the hills..........roooooah". William Bell "The man in the street". "The man in the street, the common people" The Innersection "I'm in debt to you". The whole chorus part about what she can have.
  6. Anne Perry - That's The Way He Is. Storming instrumental. Dave Love - Colalined Baby. Like vocal and instrumental but bought it for instrumental side in 70's. Frankie Crocker - Ton Of Dynamite. Could argue there are some vocals in this but not many. Young Holt Unlimited - California Montage. Arthur Fenn used to play it as a finisher at St Mary's Hall in 70's.
  7. Sidra's Theme. Much better than poppy vocal.
  8. You don't see many documentaries about Stamp Collectors, Metal Detecters, CAMRA (real ale lovers) etc.. etc... etc... Just enjoy the fact the BBC have actually gone to the effort and expense of trying to tell a story about something which will never (NEVER) be fully told. GOOD EFFORT.
  9. Really sad. "The only survivor" of the greatest period in soul music. R.I.P.
  10. Marlena Shaw - "Go Away Little Boy" "Let the doorknob hit ya where the dog should have bit ya."
  11. The Camaro's - Lover Come Back/We're not Too Young. Dar Cha Len Jewel - All My Good Lovin'/Elevator Song. Pzazz Charles Mintz - Running Back/Lucky Guy. Uplook
  12. Robby Lawson - Burning Sensation Jimmy Mack - My World Is On Fire COD - She's Fire Burning Bush - Keeps On Burning Vala Reegan & The Valarons - Fireman Crosswind - Fire (It's Getting Hot) Flame 'n' King & The Bold Ones - Ho Happy Day Oops sorry, logged onto wrong forum. Thought I was on "Pyromania Source" "A forum where Pyromaniacs can discuss WHAT'S HOT? & WHAT'S NOT
  13. I presume "Eric from Selby" was Eric Smith? Last time I saw him was at Brighouse Ritz about 1999/2000. Nearly every soul follower in Selby will agree he was the best dancer ever seen in the Yorkshire area. Maybe the scene!!! I'm sure he was a great best man Swish, hope he did you proud all those years ago.
  14. Looking out at the snow brought back many memories of snowy journeys made to soul events over the years. This got me thinking of characters on the scene who I have fond memories of. 1. Arthur Fenn. Biggest influence on me with regards to soul music and a great friend. I was both lucky and privileged to have known Arthur from a young age and have access to a lot of great music before it was even broken on the scene. His dedication to collecting quality soul music over many years takes some beating. He also got me my first US original "Colalined Baby" by Dave Love for £5. Think my mum liked the instrumental more than me!!! 2. Soul Sam. As with Arthur I was lucky to hear a lot of big sounds of Sam's before they were broken on the scene. His infectious enthusiasm knows no bounds. 3. Ady Dundas. Taught me a lot about the heavier/darker side of the scene when I was still wet behind the ears. Rescued me from some seriously dodgy situations. 4. Dave Greet. Looked after me and my mate Kev Schofield on our first few nighter experiences to St Ives and Wigan when we were only 15/16. 5. Paul Rowan. Fantastic memories of Raquels in Wakefield. Also many journeys and coach trips with characters like Bub and the McField? brothers especially to Cleethorpes dayers. Paul was also prepared to play some of the more funkier sounds at that time. 6. Steve "Burt Shaft" Haywood. A close friend both on and off the scene. Probably have more memories of things we got up to off the scene than on it. Unfortunately we fell out after I had left the scene. That's life I guess. 7. Derwyn Edwards. Again a good friend both on and off the scene. Fond memories of when he lived at my Mum's house in the late 70's. 8. Walt Rowlands. Another good friend on and off the scene. Built us a nice conservatory as well. 9. Kev "Jonno" Johnson. Both some funny and strange times had with Jonno over my last few years on the scene. 10. Pete Burke. Just a really nice person who I am sure nobody can have a bad word to say about. Also Shaun Kearney who I always considered to be more similar in character to myself than anyone else I've ever met. There are obviously many, many more characters I could mention but I have tried to choose the ten who had big influences on me over the years I was on the scene.

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