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Arthur Fenn

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Everything posted by Arthur Fenn

  1. As far as i can recall the 1 on the right would be the first press as i still have this somewhere & its the same copy that i got off Dave Withers or Rod Shard arround 79/80, it was the second copy at that time & if you need a good larf it stands me at both Ever Agains ( thats Bernie & Gene ) ouch!
  2. I got that copy off Henry arround 2001 & thought it was the first one, but found out Butch had it covered up for some time before that ( nothin unusual there then 8-) )
  3. One of the very few nites (in the uk ) that excites me these days, Maria has booked us a hotel too, so guess i'll have to take my golf clubs now 8-)
  4. Hi, i have a very nice copy of the tootsie rollers, pm me for details if you still need it, Arthur.
  5. I found a test pressing of this in the early 90s for $3 in the Baltimore/Washington area. Not a big lover of said 45 i part traded with same against Patrinell Staten with Soul Sam, interestingly Rob Thomas later told me that it was a Rouser copy, guess i'll never know now .
  6. Depends on the style of music you are into, if you like Rimini the weekend in Asturius ( north west spain ) or indeed any in Germany & Sweeden are fantastic, Rome of course is excellent also.
  7. Don't think it needs any more speed tho! not for my old legs anyway
  8. Thats one of the tracks we talked about at Va Va Voom a couple of yrs ago Ady, one of the best me thinks, you told me who it really is also
  9. Yes sadly thats correct Carmen. The guys are giving it a rest this year mainly i understand due to some licence issues. Hopefully it will be back next year, we will miss being there and spending quality time with some of our favourite people.
  10. Hi Steve, thanks for your support , yes Dave told me he got it from Max? ( in work mode so haven't got my music head on ), but def Baltimore/philly area. I'll have a little rest then try join the dots
  11. Thats one view of it , reality is the priority of the life of the orig accetate, then of course taking albums out is a pane especially when flying. Going back to the tracks, all have that unmistakeable Al Johnson production with those wonderful horns. The version of "love is the answer" is very fast so i do have to slow it down a tad, love it tho
  12. Hi, it's a track i play off an unissued album, i put it on a 45 accetate for ease of carrying. I was lucky to catch Dave Withers at the Frobishire 10yrs or so ago & bought it off him. There are some nice mid tempo cuts on the lp also, Arthur.
  13. Cheers Steve , yep i've been booted out of more than a couple of clubs, Clifton Hall comes to mind ( but that was totaly down to me ) Wish i'd kept Kens letter, where did he get to?
  14. I dj'd at the fleet for Ken Cox then was asked to do a dayer at St Ives, i was supposed to be in the small room playing up front northern with Sam & others but for some reason it was closed, Ken put me on in the main room & i thought it went well with the floor ( for me anyway ) busy. Got a letter through the post a few days later sayin "your sevices are no longer req by the east anglian soul club" Charmin!
  15. Haven't told Ady yet so mums the word but Soul Sam will be coming along , looking forward to a catch up with old chums
  16. Hear of these a lot lately, always tickles me
  17. Hi Benji, no that came from Bob Cattaneo, bout the same time tho.
  18. Went to Vals in 76, it was the first time in America so couldn't understand why he wouldn't open his store till the afternoon and as we were flying out at 7pm or so it didn't leave much time for happy hunting. Found a Paul Sindab on Hype which was cool at the time. At the time he wouldn't send records out of he States but i met a local guy in the store who sent me some very nice bits. The biggest favour Val did for me was to tell me about John Taylor's huge stash in Fort Worth for which i'll be ever grateful
  19. Hiya Martin, how ya doin my friend ?, i'm in Munich in a fortnight i'll ask some questions over a beer
  20. Was chatting with Dave Raistrick on sat at lifeline ( & bldy great it was too ) about how & when we found this. Would be 78/79 & probably got 6 test press & a dozen or so issues from one of the Pittsburgh guys. I played it at the Fleet niter a week or so later & remember Sam running up to ask what it was, happy days! cleared the floor tho
  21. You know Nick i think WT is a real hard 45, i've never seen one on ebay & there are certain titles like this, that after the first find remain rare, wish i had that old 25 count box now , might have had a very nice holiday out of it , Oh! & Hi to you 2
  22. Memphis i believe, had a 25 count box off my friend Earl Randle in the early 80s, he kindly picked up the new releases for me at the time, and as he was a house writer at the Hi studio he new some very interesting people, happy days!
  23. Hells spells Sammy Seaman!, i remember when you brought the ledgend that is Tony Clarke "landslide" along to a local night ( eggborough i think ). It was you guys that sent me to the dark side with all your talk of Catacobs this & Torch that . You know, every time i go into what was The Museum Hall in Selby my mind takes me back & i can see Eric & you guys dancing to thoes great records
  24. Think i was lucky, cos at our local youth club we had guys like Swish & Ady Dundas coming in & taking over the decks with things like Dean P "On my way" ( complete with greenshield stamps covering it up ) This would be early 73 i guess and along with Duke Browner, Maxine Brown & the like i was hooked.

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