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Arthur Fenn

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Everything posted by Arthur Fenn

  1. Thanks Geoff, I played the saints for you 8-), really enjoyed last nite, was a bit nervous as I've done very little radio in the past but had a lot of help from Paul & Pat ( the hat ) and of course Maria who had to remind me of dates, titles & where I was . Dave, sorry bout the wrong info given on the "flowers" c/u, my press agent is getting a tikin off as we speak so back at ya, its a great track tho & nice to play it for my buddy Simone in Italy, Arthur.
  2. it's not rocket science guys "READ THE SMALL PRINT "
  3. No he doesn't, he states its a 70's press, its just the crazy lazy syndrome we seem to be seeing more of these days
  4. Had this in my hand down at the bowl , i asked John what he was doing with it & he said Butch would probably take it, often question my sanity as i thoiught it was too dated for what i was doing at the time ( don't ask ) funny tho cos somehow i ended up taking away another 10inc accetate that came from mr Vincent by sunny gale which sadly is not in the same league
  5. yeah, remember Mick when he turned to us & said "you expecting an oldies night" kin brilliant! only one person on this planet could say that , oh! & for me Jean is one the all time greats, energy & atmosphere thats why we travel
  6. I got it a few months after Richard started to play it off Alan Senior, then did a straight swap with Sam for jd jones "yesterdays love" , you know how it goes when you need something bad
  7. i'll decline on that kind offer ta, in fact i always thought it was pants
  8. oh & yellow midtown it twas
  9. Yep me & Dave had 100 count box from the L.A pressing plant, we couldn't give em away ( sold quite a few tho! ) that would be 78/79, i remember Guy having one off me.
  10. Bub used to follow me to do the last spot at the clees winter gardens dayers in the late 70's, always had a problem draging him to the decks bless him 8-). Mick Cook was a great guy too, i remember that day too well, bloody tragic, thort the coach was going to the dayer tho,
  11. nothing wrong with a bit of disco in ya soul eh Glyn , hello by the way
  12. well Poke was a regular at snaith so no probs with that , always look back to that era with a smile remembering how fast great records were coming at us, not a problem we'll ever have again for sure
  13. Well thats just plain cheatin Marc! to bring one of the greatest group harmony acts into the equation , super pick mate
  14. funny eh!, i don't really rate the sweet side, i love most of the Superbs tracks but one or 2 i find a little too sweet if you get my drift, i do think the "wind in my sails" is more than a credible tune & would stand well played at any time on the rare soul scene. Gotta say that Dore lable was phenomenal tho
  15. Anyone interested you can hear a MINT copy played at Boomerang next sat , shameless plug eh!
  16. John Hillyard was one of the most bizzare characters i've ever had the pleasure to meet, think he worked for a big co ( poss capitol ) at 1 time so his general knowledge was immense, he looked a bit like cat weasel with his matted long hair & god knows what holding his glasses together. The usual deal was that if you paid for his meals he would take you to his special places . He had great records, i got the Tiarras on Seton for a few $ but wouldn't sell me the Little J Hamilton on Dore ( Butch got it ). Definately one of the west coast finest
  17. Hi Benji, a handful of issues turned up 3/4 yrs ago, flip side is just an ok ballad looks nice tho
  18. Yeah bldy marvelous, was at his house and he wouldn't sell it to me , went to a gd home tho
  19. Was? still is!
  20. Got a near minter @ £225, cheers.
  21. rare one has the larger typset, i'd say £350 on that £200ish on other.
  22. Bobba had 1 @ $600

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