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Arthur Fenn

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Everything posted by Arthur Fenn

  1. nah its for softies ( sorry Chris )
  2. all my 7's & 12's were red, only got the one 7" left now tho nothing unusual with 2 or even 3 different colours & almost impossible to say which came first.
  3. just remembered now, Dave removed the info off the label but while on honeymoon in London in 82 i found it on a 12", this had phone no & address so then was able to track it down, amazing this record thing eh!
  4. No & no, don't think anyone had it at wigan ( can't imagine it getting spun in M's ) & i was sacked from c/h after the 1st night , it was a big track for me for months as a one off at the small modern nights we we playing, after i found copies it then got plays around the country.
  5. Oh & there was a connection to the international gto's as Tarique ? was lead singer on " i love my baby"
  6. my old "bright moments" c/up circa 81 ( from Dave Raistrick ) i found the guys in New York & had a pile of 45's & 12's off em, the 45 is the one to have 8-)
  7. bldy cabaret is Juan, i like Debbie's understated performance anyway that's my one rant of the year over with
  8. they were on ebay monthly for an age at aprox $600 not rare & Debbie's far better
  9. great track, i found it at John Hillyards in 82, had to pay $75 to prize it from his collection tho
  10. yes i hear John V played Tommy first circa 82 @ Morcombe ?, these very important facts get harder to place in the right order as the years pass
  11. actually Patrinel was a Sam spin first ( discovered by Keb & John Manship ), Butch played/found his copy some months later, pedantic i know but rules are rules
  12. yeah i was offered this a long time ago but think i spent the money on something i really liked
  13. yes it is but its a poor tune
  14. HaHa! cheeky , been vegi since 84 but there may have been meaty one for Maria
  15. Yes i remember that very well, very unusual to have trouble there too. Drove home over the pennines with the wind in my hair , nicked the butties but left Maria's coat & laptop.
  16. loved his c/up names, even the dodgy ones had credibility after Richard had tweeked them , got to say that although John supplied 99% of the tracks ( as he did with the most of us ) Richard set a very high standard with his style of djing, glad i was around at that time
  17. James Fairclough was Pokes c/up circa 77for the Startones tho , can't remember FB ever covered?
  18. Very sad news, known Tony for a long time, a real gent, R.I.P my friend.
  19. Er i think we can & do, we are off to Barcelona in dec to catch Butch, who can still deliver with a mighty blow some of the greatest records ever played
  20. I didn't know Norma's version of "his love" i have it on an album by Al Thomas ( female ) & vey nice it is too 8-) ( a prezzie from Keb many yrs ago )
  21. always thought the lead vocal was familiar & totally wonderful even when the "its a white record" theory appeared in the 80's. Agree with Kev, it does sound like Garland's rich brilliant tones
  22. Pokes old Mel Britt c/up from 77/78. Soul bowl had a handful shortly after at £25 each & i had 2, always remember Richard complaining to me at Snaith that John should have sold it to him first , ive only ever found it in the states the one time & that was at the wonderful John Hillyards for $2 . Ive played it on & off since then but thankfully its never gone viral
  23. Rob my friend, its just fine as it is thank you
  24. think i have a spare, i'll check later tday

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