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Arthur Fenn

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Everything posted by Arthur Fenn

  1. Think you'll find it was a Rod Shard discovery from the mid 80's, & guess who bought it then sat on it for a decade or 2 ! ( sadly not me )
  2. What a silly thing to do when there were 500 orig copies there in the same town hehe
  3. He also used the Arco pressing plant in LA, me & Dave Raistrick saw evidence of that while visiting Lou of Dore records who had an office there, well i'm assuming the boots we saw there were Simon's
  4. great dealer & nice guy, had super stuf off him in the mid 70's inc the first real Four Perfections ( $5 ). I'm sure all the tracks he did were legit tho, big buddie with JA
  5. hehe, like a few others, i've been guilty of playing some lemons
  6. think it was the likes of Bileo, Pretenders ( yrself ) etc
  7. On my 1 spot in the main room late 79 or early 80 i played bits like Deltours, William Powell, Greater Experience, Detroit Sounds of Friction, Bobby Wisdom & some disco
  8. Whilst loosely on the thread of the Box, err! its was an incredible night of rare soul
  9. Spot on there Dave, so understated & underrated is our cool hand Poke 8-)
  10. not in Sam's case Paul , Sam played them back to back at the clees dayers circa 78
  11. don't think it really matters does it? which ever option you go for its a bummer but did show Sam's commitment
  12. Not one of my finer moments
  13. He borrowed mine along with a few other bits. Got it off Sam for £50, it was a spare he got from Ian Levine's collection.
  14. Hi John, it's been mentioned before but in a nutshell Sam believed so much in the new modern tracks John was turning up he asked Richard ( who was getting 1st plck ) to trade 3 of his biggies, Larry Houston, Z Z & Co , Dustin Wilson in exchange for William Powel, Don Gardner & Daemon Fox, I know! you sort of had to be there mate
  15. I started buying off John in 74, i was earning £6 a week at our local golf club. The only phone i had use of was in the entrance to the club & i sure got some funny looks from members when i finally got through to John on list day. My first trip down to Kings Lynn would be 79, tho i'd actually met John for the first time earlier that year in Chicago. Like most i guess it was like you had to serve time down there before being offered the serious bits & on my 3rd/4th vist i remember so vividly John saying to me "we need to lift yr profile a bit, here's some things i was gonna let Gary ( Rushbrook ) have". He reaches up onto this high shelf and gives me things like La Rom Baker, Bobby Wisdom, Elbie Parker, all £40/50 each. Next trip down 2/3 months later in my pile is Deltours ( 2nd copy ) Charles Brandy, Sonic Explosion. All around were 100/200 count boxes of high quality tracks & a sea of 45's all neatly racked, it was mind blowing even then. A week or 3 after Sam had done the big 60's for 70's swap with Richard i was at the Bowl & John says, "Richard thinks this Cheating Kind is rare, well here's 3 i just picked up this week", it was in my pile at £100 but decided i didn't want oldies & went for Bobby Thurston & some other rare modern instead . Yep, no doubt about it, the experience & memories of going to Soul Bowl are some of the best i've ever had. John ! i salute you
  16. regular on ebay $70-90
  17. part 2 is a work of art & a thing of beauty
  18. think 1200 was very cheap for a vg in this day & age, got to be £2k in any playable condition.
  19. not quite, i found the owner & got the 2 copies John didn't get oh yeah & a pile of dodgy disco 12"( love & happiness i think )
  20. i got one off ebay a few yrs ago for $30 but haven't seen another, yep, great cheapy 8-)
  21. We started with 1 or 2 soul nights early 79 i think with the dayers a bit later in the year & as Martyn says finishing some time in 1980, all a bit foggy now 8-)
  22. Hmm! now you've done it Darren , don't think so, not sure i had it when i did my one & only at the casino
  23. not sure bout mr howell but the rest still stack up Sean
  24. i don't think so either Steve, Sam had left & without being funny its not a Richard kind of sound or in fact any of the jocks left at the casino.
  25. always meant to get a collection of my most hated records made into ashtrays Martyn but this wouldn't be one of em, one for a new thread perhaps?

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