Ah, you mean it was listed as "rare northern stomper with a bit of funk & latin appealing to the crossover & disco fan" type description ? hehe we've all fallen for that one mate , glad you got yr money back tho
It went missing way before Thorne Sean . Sam had borrowed it off Richard circa 1980 he posted it back but it never arrived so Sam gave Richard Mind & Matter to make up for it , oh dear!
i actually believe its been harder to find great unknown 70's this last few yrs. And all the great 60's unreleased tracks that have come through dwarfs the later material
We are heartbroken with the loss of Helena. We first met in Frankfurt some 12/13 yrs ago and her enthusiasm & energy was obvious to all who met her, we watched her grow both as a woman & in her taste of music to a point where she started to play & run clubs in her home town of Malmo. A loss of any of our soul friends hits hard but on this occasion the pain is a little deeper. R.I.P Helena x x