Hi Ian, actually hi to all cos this is my first post on ss . That was a great night! the look on your face when u came down the central steps with your hareem and there,s little old me ( i was 19 at the time ) playin a real 4 perfections, say real cos it had been played for a few months on dodgy accetates supplied by mr sousson. Paul ( samplat ) is correct cos i think 3 of us used to get nice bits off the very nice Bob Cattaneo, it was funny cos i used to ring Bob every 2-3weeks from my Mums on a sunday night and this one time he says hey! you know a 45 called i,m not strong enough ? Hmm might do i said, $5 came the reply. A week later my Mum bless her is called to open the package cos i was shaking. Anyway think we all left the Central happy that night and it couldn,t have gone to a better home . Tell you what tho, doesn,t come close to the swap i did with Jonathon Woodcliffe, my rare 12 black & white spiral of Chic "La Freak" for a very fetching lacoste cardigan in lime green ( just the thing for golf ). Cheers, Arthur.