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Arthur Fenn

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Everything posted by Arthur Fenn

  1. One of my favs from Sam was at the Burnley Bank Hall he dedicated Walter Jackson to miners everywhere "touching in the dark"
  2. Wonderful, always been a big fan of ila's
  3. Eric Smith for me, he brought out the best in the music i love, no silly backdrops req here, he was the Fred Astaire of northern soul 8-)
  4. A Poke spin at cleethorpes dayer's ( 78/79) well before wigan as i remember, tho i did play it at my 1 ( & only ) visit behind the decks at the casino circa 1980. Hiya Darren, best, Arthur.
  5. Hi, wasn't there but my guess would be Cressa Watson's version of salvation on Charay ?
  6. You sneaky bgr! , remember you'll be needin thoes bi folds sooner or later:lol: , best, Arthur.
  7. Thanks for the info Bob, got a feeling i'll be hearing em both soon but sadly i won't be playing them:( , cheers, Arthur.
  8. Is this unreleased Bob? great record tho & worth every penny, Arthur
  9. :(Quite possibly the sadest thing i've seen on here , yeah that hookin up to the decks thing is outrageous, last guy i heard do it had the nerve to play accetates/dubs/boots/carvers or whatever the hell else you wanna call em on a london radio show passing them off to an over exuberant host, you got to larf! , however my experiance on carvers ( on totaly unreleased items ) is that they don;t give the depth of sound that a good old metal plate does., Arthur.
  10. You are quite right i was just testing you both 8-), back to the original question then, no i've not seen that on yellow. That'll teach me to play on soul source when i should be working eh!, best to you both, Arthur.
  11. Yeah, probably 4/5 years earlier, green mix is more uptempo & funkier.
  12. Hi, yellow is the early version, ( on mine at least ) not bad at all, Arthur.
  13. Blimey! forgotten all about this venue, i played there twice i think, main plays for me at the time were the likes of Brand New Faces, New Wanderers, Soul Communicaters, Ascots oh and a load of Pop! , happy carefree days tho i guess, Arthur.
  14. This may help. Lou Bedell ( spelt ok ? ), had 1 or 2 repressed cica 79 and gave a copy to Dave Raistrick & myself, cant remember excatly why he did this other than it was big for Richard (as his Fred Smith c/u, ) so i guess it begs the question does an orig 60s press exist, Arthur.
  15. No sorry Paul can't agree, we were young kids then, this is to me far more important, mainly i guess as time passes we try harder to get things right. For me the last 10yrs has been the best musicly & socialy, i can tell you the records i've heard ( sadly not owned ) & places i've been knock thoes early days ( & i don't say this lightly ) into the proverbial cocked hat. Get to BOOMERANG in may & enjoy the ride , Arthur.
  16. Appologie accepted but you are mistaken & also so what if!, gota say Phil and this will be the last time i harp on about this, the guy ( & yes he's not the only one ) has put himself in every position to get hold of new records, can you tell me in this day & age what the hell else can anyone do?, sadly the days of tripin over great rare records in any street in america are long gone, if you've got another way please share your secret. Arthur. ps, enjoyed Burnley
  17. No!, best to you too Mark.
  18. Great thanks Brian tho not hit a ball since october . That was my point excactly tho i think this goes a little deeper than mr sadots spat with Sam. Agree also that a lot of us guys now enjoy playing smaller rooms, think the kind of genre we are spining lends itself to a more intimate surrounding & the thought of trying to play my fav tunes in most large venues fills me with dread , that said i do believe many will eventually break through to the main halls but thats nothing new, in fact none of this thread is new its like bldy ground hog day & i've been sucked into this dribble ( that'll make Maria larf ), right back to ebay, gota find me some new toys.
  19. Tell you what Paul, lets see how your unfloundering passion is after 45yrs or so on this crazy wonderful scene. And excuse me! Restin on his frekin laurels, love him or whatever, no one pushes things along like Sam. Who feeds you anyway or do you frequent America searching the gheto's? Oh & you must be really out of the loop expecting Sam to google anything
  20. Oh & another point!, said ego tripin dj was mortified ( christ knows why ) to hear he was MISS quoted at lifeline saying the w coco was a first play ever, he of course said/ meant at lifeline. One can only wonder at some people eh!. Still it's all good fun , Arthur.
  21. Paul with all due respect the dj ( yeah ok my best pal ) has frequented more small medium & large rooms ( as a paying punter), played first bla bla bla more records than you or i will ever do. Dont think you quite get it do you, he's never done a thing out of ego, it's impossible!. As for your wally coco crusade, yep fine record & played no doubt in some damn fine clubs but hey come on!. I'M ALL FOR UNDERPLAYED being programed, gods knows i've been sacked from enuf clubs in tryin 8-). I'll agree with you on the point of playing arround europe, its by far the most exciting thing i do, Arthur
  22. Keep it between us 4 but i've a snipe on Mr Blobby ( in his other item )
  23. If it helps with the history thing, re the Deltours this was Richards Ernest Mosley & John Anderson sold me the 2nd copy about 2 months after Richard had started playing it, thing was Sam had dropped northern & i ( briefly ) got 2nd pick at the bowl. Sold mine in 82 (when i decided to move completly to modern ) to Chris Plant, who also got my Bobby Wisdom ( c/u as Billy Kenedy ). Arthur.
  24. Mint L Luther £300, pm me if you still need it
  25. Thats right, it was Richards Bobby Adams c/u, Dave Raistrick & me found a 100 count box at the pressing plant, funny also because i had to pay £100 or so 10yrs ago to get one back , Arthur, oh yes & i love anything that Miles Grayson has had a hand in.

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