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Everything posted by Steviehay

  1. Had an offer for w/d but aint a clue what it goes for ideas??
  2. Someone out there must have one going please
  3. looking for can ex plus copy of this seen the discogs page no thanks if someone has a spare ta stevie will pay 80 for one condition a must though SORTED THANKS
  4. Anyone got the reissue of this double header either onewanted for er in doors reasonable price thanks for looking
  5. Cheapest postage ever glad to of contributed Mike
  6. Anyone got a 12 for sale desperate Christmas want ta in advance merry Christmas
  7. some belters here specially on disco edits many thanks for posting
  8. great double header not seen one for ages think last time i did was a £200+ job good luck
  9. samaritans phone number is............
  10. some awful dancers if you can call them that on this !!!
  11. yep i got one of these on the day too still have it somewhere
  12. Take a bow Mr Jones a fully deserved memory lane pat on the back to all involved i did attend a couple quirky event that was full of soulful minded people the money no matter how much raised is not to be sneared at to you and all involved good luck for the future as who knows what it holds
  13. As a footnote and to add injury to insult the seller of the carver which went for £83 has another one up today with 13 bids currently at £ 53 ...i give up ...
  14. What makes me chuckle is the wording at the bottom i only ever danced to one of these and that was evil
  15. Joe 90 or muriel ?? Totally in agreement with ypu baz which is why I stated in the first place ..thank you a decent reply to my question
  16. I was given the promo lp cd of this i also have the legal sonic wax issue but my question was how daft is it that 2 copies were up for sale one a carver the other original
  17. i was not knocking the sellers just the stupid side which was obvious a carver and an original !!
  18. yeah someone nicked my bag with this on and fairplay another i had, steve gods sent me for free (pure gent) was the the legend lives on patch i was at all the ritz gigs except the legends ones

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