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Article Comments posted by Steviehay

  1. Surely thats ,wrong how much you spend Chalky?? Me and you probably do but that doesn't make wigan the b all and end all of northern surely, I was too young for the wheel and torch but did blue rooms mecca wigan etc and a varied epitome of records were played as you know cost in them days was miniscule, top dollar then was 20 -35 max ,I purchased with a friend big boys at the time chapter five 25,cobblestone 15,precissions 20,stemmons express 25 the list endless every week as it still is a hunt for tunes I had ,didn't have or un heard of stuffwhich I prefer anyway can't wait for wigan 60 ,wheelchair parade ,Ps well done in benalmadena too

  2. 1 hour ago, Jessie Pinkman said:

    Don't forget Tony Jebb started the ball rolling, before Levine, Curtis & Minshull

    On my first visit there I left the building completely blown away by the records Tony was playing.

    I think Morecombe Pier is worthy of a 1 hour special too

    I'm not old enough to remember him  unfortunately 

    A piece I copied 



    Blackpool Mecca’s Highland Room

    Ian Levine played Blackpool Mecca with Colin Curtis (Tony Jebb was before my time), and the difference between the Mecca’s Highland Room and Wigan Casino is tricky to synopsise (as many of us went to both), but I’ll have a go.

    In addition to hardcore Northern soulies, the Highland Room attracted a relatively small band of trendy Blackpool kids, plus regulars from further afield, who rarely went to Wigan, didn’t do much speed and who basically came along because the scene was different from the usual Saturday night vomit.

    These lot were refreshingly cool dressers, and from ’73 to 1977 Blackpool Mecca pretty much trounced everywhere else for imaginative, groundbreaking dancers, because – unlike Wigan, from perhaps ‘75 onwards – these people both dared and wanted to be different, as opposed to being fearful of not fitting in with the daft dance code forming in the wings (those fcuking cling-on Conservatives again).

  3. Take a bow Mr Jones a fully deserved memory lane pat on the back to all involved i did attend a couple quirky event that was full of soulful minded people the money no matter how much raised is not to be sneared at to you and all involved good luck for the future as who knows what it holds 

    • Up vote 1
  4. Brilliant music from an underappreciated star of our scene a very very sad loss I cant change is the only one I dont own anymore after some pilfering git knicked it from PRESTATYN after she sat talked and signed talented lady she was and is now gone x 

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