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Everything posted by Pumpkinseed

  1. Looking slightly lighter in colour .
  2. Apologies for me jumping in but certainly not the shade of yellow my copy is , might be your lens on your camera who knows Bob .
  3. The Johnny Hampton is the seventy’s pressing, the original is more yellow and stamped .
  4. Hopefully there be some nice. " Toss-over " played tomorrow
  5. All worn out ...... certainly not they all play crystal clear and look great .
  6. Three " WEST COAST " beauty's ....... ED TOWNSEND ......... The Emperor YVONNE BAKER ......... It's better to be BETTY LaVETTE and the BIG WHEELS ......... Everybody's talking all played out when the scene was great !!! Not like todays drivel
  7. Forgot about this one ....
  8. What a load of old bollocks ..........
  9. Nice list that ! Over thirty five years of collecting managed to obtain 255 of em ' been reduced to 146 now , been fun collecting them . Not much fun these days , totally changed ( for the worse ) .
  10. You have a valid point there ZOOM !
  11. Hey Simon , that Vickie Baines looks very familiar
  12. Yes Andy you are correct about " Deon Jackson " that wasn't in original consignment it came later . Nigel had ... MAGNETICS / DANNY MOORE demo / SOULETTES / THE TEMPTONES / MIKE AND RAY & two others which have slipped my mind ..........
  13. Nigel , paid £400 for it , a little bit more than £ 50 .
  14. You would give both Kidneys because ....... ITS THE BEST COPY IN THE WORLD !
  15. This record is total DROSS ! who in there right mind would play it ? Remember finding it in the States years ago , probably sold it for two bob , God it's awful.
  16. The very same copy Simon .......
  17. Of course he is ! What else could it be , you daft bugger ......
  18. Ummmmm , that's unfortunate. Less money for the Promoter ........... a real shame .

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