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Everything posted by Douglas

  1. That is my view as well,try telling that to a couple of people on Facebook, one of them said he was actually with ex Torch DJ Tony Jebb whilst arguing with me,and he said Jebb claimed that he played it in the early 70s at The Torch (uncovered) i said well how come none of the people who went to The Torch knew its real identity when every man and his dog was trying to find out the real identity of 'Joe Matthews' i felt like banging my head against a brick wall as he accused me of calling Tony Jebb a liar,in my opinion it is simply the case of someone trying to take the credit for the breaking of one of the most iconic NS records ever.
  2. Kev Draper has since explained he had paid £150 for it so wasn't prepared to ruin the label by sticking paper over it.
  3. Thanks Kev, one of the guys said last week that he was sitting With Tony Jebb and he assured him that he had played it first at The Torch,my argument was well how come none of the former Torch members could reveal its real identity (the guy said Jebb had played it uncovered) when speculation was at fever pitch,i remember the speculation well,some people thought it may be a Kool Kat missing number etc,as i stated earlier i was too young for The Torch so thought i'd get views from people who were actually there.
  4. I'm sure 99% of people agree that The Group featuring Cecil Washington - I Don't Like To Lose - was first played by Richard Searling in the late 70s, well a couple of people on Facebook's 'I Went To Wigan Casino' group page say it was actually first played by Tony Jebb at The Torch,i was too young to attend The Torch so would appreciate any comments on this,i have been assured from two former Torch members that it was 100% first played by Richard Searling.
  5. I know Total Eclipes is only a cheapie but was it ever booted or re - issued?
  6. Never expected to see The Parliaments - Don't Be Sore At Me nominated,but we all have our own tastes and opinions.
  7. John Manship has an original for £40 and a 2nd press for £10.
  8. I remember Pat Brady covering up Gene Toones 'WMDYW' as Frank Dell 'Baby You Got It' and there really is a record by Frank Dell with the exact same song title.
  9. Not too keen myself, 'One On One' is far superior by him.
  10. I agree with you, Deadbeats aka Phantom Janitor has an awesome backing track just begging to be danced to,always liked The Q from the off as well-great C/U name 'James Lewis/Case Of Tyme-very similar to the Manifesto boys.Always loved Jay Traynor,very atmospheric in the confines of the casino.
  11. 100%,i have the same record,there were a few bootlegs done this way.
  12. Also booted with Adams Apples on the flip side,complete with lookalike 'original' labels.
  13. Decisions,decisions, shall i enjoy myself with 2,500 people and have a laugh on the final record of a enjoyable weekend,or sit stroking my chin whilst listening to the abortion that is George Lemons' Fascinating Girl .
  14. lol@ 'virtually unknown' what next Cecil Washington ' I Don't Like To Lose ' total unknown with the potential to go big in the future.
  15. One bootleg has Jo Aramdrad instead of Jo Armstead as the writer of the track-lol.
  16. This looks like the final record of the weekender,just a bit of togetherness fun after the completion of a weekends drinking.
  17. He has been an ebay member since Sep 09 yet has a mighty feedback of 1 ?
  18. Hi could someone give me the rough price for 'Twinkle Little Star' by these groups please.
  19. Awesome book.
  20. I want to hear the first take of Moses Smith 'Girl Across The Street' apparently he was wearing blue socks at the time,but the second take is the version that got released and he was wearing red socks,i feel cheated.
  21. OK sorry i thought Palmer was the original release, well in that case you could argue that technically the La Beat release is a re-issue,i'm using the word loosely as in O J Simpson technically didn't murder his wife,oh and for the record the Grapevine release would do me.
  22. I did use the word 'technically',i was using Al Williams as an example of certain records which were originally cut on small independant labels to be later 're-issued' by larger labels, examples Billy Thompson Columbus/Wand, Al Williams Palmer/La Beat, Sandy Waddy SOS/Wand.
  23. I'm just talking about DJ'S in general,i still say most top DJ'S don't play 100% originals,ie.Al Williams on La Beat could be considered a re-issue technically,as i said i was just talking in general and haven't heard you DJ or know of you.
  24. I know some DJ's who play some monster originals but still throw in the odd boot,obviously the crowd think it's an original as 95% of the DJ's playlist is genuine.I'm talking along the lines of playing Al Williams on Palmer,then Ray Pollard on Shrine followed by a John & The Weirdest boot.

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