I absolutely agree. I replied to someone who is often seen on this wants section. The record that he wanted is a in my world worth around £1250 especially as the copy that I have is as close to a minter that you will ever see. But the bloke was complete nutcase, He messaged me at least 10 times, sometime accusing me a being a BS, other time telling me I was lying and didn't heve the record, Then 2 minutes later another messages say that he wanted to buy it, them 10 minutes later another abusive one. I made the crucial mistake of emailing him some picures and then it all stated again, more abusive messgaes, more saying he wanted to buy it then 5 minutes later one telling me he has found another copy that is better and he has bought that. Thank God I thought, BUT I noticed today he is still posting wants for exactly the same record! I am convinced that he is an absolute dreamboat who never actually buys anything.