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About Okehdownsouth

  • Birthday 12/10/1958

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  • Top Soul Sound
    Just too many to mention

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  1. Hi I waited around 3 weeks for mine to arrive, I did chase them by email several times because they do not always answer. Persona;;y I think that they were taken by surprise by the number of orders that they got and are struggling to cope. Drop them an email and I am sure that they will reply.
  2. Wow! they are good
  3. The problem with a lot of the Youtube videos is that people copy the film and dub over it with their favorite records, so the folks in these are actually dancing to a different record. The only way to see real dancers is to watch the live stuff, like the dreaded Footsie video where you can tell that the video is original and then you can see these people with no timing or sense of rhythm who are either just posing or can't dance. When the dancing comps started at Wigan I always use to exit stage right and make my way up to Mr M's for some real banging oldies
  4. There is a huge difference between feeling the music and just hearing it and nothing shows this up more than these videos. Watch the ones of the Blackpool dancing comps it makes me cringe because there are so many people throwing themselves around and doing backdrops for the sake of it AND SO OBVIOULSY NOT IN TIME WITH THE MUSIC. A lot of them are new to the music and didn't grow up with it and it shows. I went to Wigan in 1973 because I loved soul music and had grown up on a diet of Motown, Ric Tic and the like and went there because it was an extension of what had happened in the years before, not because it got on the telly.
  5. Just when I thought that record prices were off their peak we see Chapter V go for almost £2k, £1k for a UK demo of Frankie & Johnny on Manship and now £1600 for Eddie Foster and £1100 for James Fountain. I think that I need to revalue my collection and check the home insurance!
  6. I think that some of these bids just may have me beaten?
  7. I can't beleive the price for The High Keys, anyone want a M- example for a little bit less than the final auction price? Pictures and sound track can be arranged, just need a day to dig it out.
  8. Ive also heard The Salvadors in Co-op Wareham and one Saturday afternoon around 5 years ago I walked past a Thai restaurant in Ringwood and almost broke into a dance to Tobi Legend! Matt Brown is a 'modern' to y ears but a great choon
  9. Morrisons cafe, Weymouth was playing Bobby Hebb Love, Love, Love a month or so ago.
  10. I hated the dance comps and always took a quick exit to Mr M's. It always put a downer on the evening, watching a bunch of posers, most of whom couldn't dance to the music that was playing.
  11. JM always seems to get top money, but then again the records are always in absolutely the best condition. I have bought a few 'Manship Mints' over the years.
  12. Maybe the cheapest of the bunch but Johnny Sayles is probably my favourite, but the others are difficult to resist for any collector of British label soul like me. I just wish that they didn't all come along at once, if I win more than one my wife will go nuts! But it will be worth it, for a while.
  13. Hi Please would you reply to my messages. Thanks Paul
  14. Those of us who are old enough and probably ugly enough will remember when all of these were just regular choons. Personally I love all 3 or 4 and used to really enjoy hearing and dancing to them as part of the night, rather than just as the enders. Just my oppinion.
  15. I know that Joe Dunlop sold a copy very recently for around £1000, it is a rare UK record and has much better sound quality than the US copies and is prized by collectors of British labels and demos. Personally I think that £800-1000 is the right price range so whoever bought that one got a bargain and the seller is probably very disappointed because he will only get £545.60

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