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Image Comments posted by purist

  1. When did the Griffin run from/til Derek ? apart from the high quality of music the thing I remember about it was they had a really great cup of coffee!

    (some nice things there Derek, thanks for sharing them. Pretty sure I must have some of these type of things still knocking about somewhere, you've just encouraged me to go look.

  2. you young whipper snapper you .lol x

    Oh to be 29 again ( I think) to make things worse, every time I see Guy he never looks any older than he does in this picture !!

    just realised Lou, that this picture was taken about two minutes walk from your house !
  3. There were 2 Skip's from Wolves. Big Skip and Little Skip was how we knew them, they were brothers and obviously Big Skip was the eldest. Pretty sure this is Big Skip, but its so many years ago I couldn't be sure. I always thought he was one of the coolest, best dressed, most stylish blokes around in those days. Think he may have been the first person I ever saw in a full length leather coat ? When I asked where he'd had some item of clothing from, I think it may have been him who told me to go over to see a guy in the east mids (notts maybe ?)that was making great clothes at the time, and a few soulies were going there for their one off & made to measure stuff. I cant remember clearly enough, but I presume its the guy who is now a big name designer? Paul Smith? anybody remember for sure ?

    Cant remember now whether they were aussies, or english but had been living in oz for years ? hence the nicknames, Maybe somebody will remember, did they go back to OZ ?

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