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Everything posted by Dysonsoul

  1. Long lasting memories of the short time you were here mate,at least we put the soul scene to rights at Al's engagement recently ! a.t.b Ted.
  2. A very interesting read,great pictures too !
  3. Yes tend to agree with the "freshen up" point ,if you're a collector there's no logic to that,you buy it to keep it..never ever buy tunes to dj with ! Not sure how the top dj's do it but ive only found in the last 3-4 years a couple of new things that i think are good enough to play out - one was less than £20 and the other less than a grand ,found lots of decent things but few mind blowers.I rely on things i've had for years and years,but they are few and far between.
  4. Got to agree Bob ,it really is greedy and bad practice,anyone who cares about vinyl would never polish,skim them-they come as they come and that's that.
  5. Can't help chuckling to myself,time and time again we're told that prices are dropping,it's all finnished this record game.. then shock and amazement when 45's make above and beyond "the doom and gloom estimates" ....
  6. I've only had one issue of it and kept it , if i got a spare i'd want £500 !
  7. Only just had a quick flick through the thread,which mirror's passion and loyalty from the "traditionalists" and the more "forward music " followers.One point that i feel is important and relevant -from lifeline's perspective (i'm not wanting this to be a lifeline thread,only mentioned because this is how it is /was) on a regular lifeline niter i'd say 50-60% of the patrons are of a forward music persuasion and the other 40% are of a traditional persuasion ,all get on famously as it should be ! only the odd basic oldie request which does get played if in that particular dj's box who is asked for it - more importantly the traditionalists dance and dance and are usually the ones that stay the duration..the rub is they are actually reacting to the more recent discoveries with the same passion as some of the more familiar tunes and i'm sure aren't actually aware.... also they turn out to pretty much every one ,where as the forward thinkers are as always the fickle ones and are hit and miss,infact a fair portion of patrons come once and never come again maybe 30 people everytime,but are replaced by another 30 who don't come again.This i feel is unique and only happens cos of the location (on the whole a die hard old school oldies fraternity) the net result lifeline's ethos in a venue the size of the stables is unsubstainable without the support of the local traditionalist's -for that we are very grateful ! The "upfront" side of things has to be very careful,too many venues,too close on the callender to each other-there's probably room for one top notch upfront niter per month and probably one upfront soul nite - but they have to have the very best cutting edge records available and have to convince the owners of them tunes that what package they are putting together is something worth turning out for ! otherwise the "upfront" scene will continue to kill itself from within by the very people who are within.That would be a crime cos the music is there the dj's are there and the punters are certainly there.
  8. Yes this is the west coast Prelude,i have a couple more things somewhere on the label.The copy Phil had was the same copy i'd sold to Tim Brown some years before, Think it was same day i took him Tiara's and something else heavy weight .. he had to suffer that day !
  9. Nice one , interesting stuff -mother time and the net seems to come up with the keys to so many unopened doors !
  10. Of course Rob , but in the alternative room ... might try the odd one in the main room !
  11. I just checked the flip which is the side one,it's a Vanleer produced version of the classic "what now my love" it's certainly Don Gardner singing and singing quite well ,but forgettable at the side of "cheating kind" which i think i've only played out once or twice at the wilton i think it was. Because no one is credited to singing on it the deller presumed i guess that it was ' unknown' odd really Don's name isn't credited considering it's the play side (one) obviously or maybe it shouldn't have come out which backs up Don's suprise at the tune getting released ! ??
  12. Hi Ian ,can't remember exactly ,but i found it in New York probabbly around 15 years ago,the down beat side knocked me sideways as it still does - the uptempo side wouldn't have worked with what i was doing at the time ... It's fair to say people must'vs had it prior to that.
  13. To start from scratch now money would have to be spent to get certain records ,but even so money wouldn't guarente top dj status at a cutting edge venue - simply cos money can't buy what isn't there ie top notch new discoveries ! like other folk have mentioned on that side of things it comes with years of digging and experience,depth of collection and equally as important an ear for the right sound.Not to mention respect that can't be bought at any price ! i dare say with x amount of £'s you could buy enough stuff to become a instant oldies high ranking dj but then again there's a million and one of them already .One rule i've always had is never buy a record to dj with ,buy em cos you like em and with the right ear some may be good enough to play a decent entertaining and educational set... Let's be honest most of us live month to month and just about get by with a few quid spare to treat ourselves to a record or two...
  14. Ah because dear Nick that particular box (s) are full apart from the many i've sold you !
  15. I assume it was his label,he produced and penned the 2 sides,In the late 80's on a buying trip i found another record by him on the same label,but it was spoken word one side and a kinda political promotion song on the flip... i may even have it still in me mothers loft.. it wasn't in any shape or form anything to do with soul.
  16. In my experience (only) the Milton Parker is a very hard record indeed,if i remember around the time of the canal tavern a few surfaced-since then very few .I'd want a grand if i found a spare....
  17. Makes you wish we'd video taped some of the Tuesday evening shows... it would have made prime time tv, like when a few occasions dean said the decks are working so took vinyl and of course half the show was spent trying to fix em,even more tricky when someone was letting fart spray off ! i enjoyed doubling up with Kitch and Teff amongst others - great memories !
  18. Thanks Simon,must've been daydreaming while typing that one.. Anyways Rock and Co is £150....
  19. We used to spin this at the Hoist nites in conisbrough,i think just after stafford but there's no reason why it wouldn't have been played prior to that ,it was a number when i worked at browny's,that sid there was only around 10 copies of it and i bought 5 ,found one a couple of months ago which was the first i'd had for nearly twenty years...U.S guys have been asking for it for 2 - 3 years.. I reckon it's gonna be a tricky one to find ,certainly in the states !
  20. Ah that is of course Classic and Vintage Pete ! c u both in the playground....
  21. I had to think very hard ,but the Abtone and Grajon release came from a guy who had a lock up just off Fairmount avenue (Philladelphia) ,from memeory it was a industrialised area with lots of lorries,containers and storage units.It was really lucky infact how i stumbled on the place ,i'd been to a place called Blue Chip (me and roger banks had been there a year or so earlier) and got quantity on stuff like passionettes - path etc.. so i'd called back there and managed to get lost on my way to stay with john moore- a guy was unloading by hand boxes of 45's so i pulled up and ended up there for 3 days.The two 45's in question i found within a few minutes of each other...
  22. 001 , same run times etc..
  23. Bob, i've been away.but will sort a scan of the abtone release.it is same as the grajon from checking the other day-the label is a burgandy colour.bare with me i'll sort for you.
  24. I pulled both 45's out ,the Abtone release has a Broadway addy,but shares the same release number and times etc.. I'll play check the two later but i'm pretty sure they're the self and same 45.Other than not i'm in the dark as to any info about the set up and why it got 2 releases,both sides are pretty good - infact sound a lot better than what they did 15 years when i found em..infact strangely enough i found em both in same place same day !
  25. Yes thanks Dave certainly looking forward to those mate !

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