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Everything posted by Dysonsoul

  1. Just mention that mick h and chalky are dj'n , that should see off most undesirables.. if any sneak by and there's a fight i'll be hiding behind Nicola !
  2. Not half mate a very exciting allnighter record , the likes of which are desperately needed these days be it a oldies or upfront doo ... would love to see mickey cruise flying round the dance floor to this .. just one more time ! custom made northern,nice flip too...
  3. It was nearly as bad as listening to Mick H and Chalky double decking for 3 hours ! The old clips are always exciting to watch ,but if this was some kind of publicity for the up and coming film, then it's done it no favours at all...that said i sincerely hope the film works for the good people making it.Really a chap who hasn't been to a event/niter for 30 years ? you're either in it or you're not no inbetween,the empty floor dance lessons ,the clothing all miles off what folk wear in reality (although people should wear what they please ) ! I was watching a fantastic documentary about a man that reared and actually swam daily with this huge crocodile and has been doing for the last twenty years - absolutely fascinating... when i saw this culture show link and tuned in at the same time,i know for sure what was the most interesting..
  4. George Smith for me , I miss hearing this kind of stuff when out and about !
  5. Nice one, thanks for posting sounds good to me !
  6. I'd assume not at that time Peter ( a bit before my time when they were done) ,Maybe the more recent presses are more likely to have some degree of correctness !
  7. Only caught the last half hour of the show unfortunately... but well done Arthur fabulous music, the "Wash and wear Love" sounded fresh and up there with the best !
  8. That sounds pretty damn good to me ,well done Kev - i'll certainly make one !
  9. This did get a Dynamo release i sold a spare some years ago ,it seems to be a hard one !
  10. Now then Dave ,of course feel free mate ..it will sit well next to your other cracking tales ! Hope all's well on the other side !
  11. Enjoying reading the thread, lots of interesting points and ideas in a calm environment ..There is no doubt at all that a book is extremely time intensive like Steve G points out,our digging book is coming along fine - but we are somewhat at the mercy of contributers who fit things in around a busy life schedule.One in particular is a private collector in europe who was going to the states in the late 60's and has documented taking Tommy Ridgeley,Sammy R + a handful more out for some food back in the day,he kept handwritten radio playlists including a northern monster that features that there is still only a handfull of copies known today. Then there is the sad side of things Mickey Cruise wrote a short story ,also just days before he passed got some film of him talkin bout racism in music etc if Annie is ok with it i'll try to transcribe it for inclusion .Also Tony Janda (R.I.P ) was putting something together for the book sadly that is lost (would be grateful if any of the guys who dug with Tony over the years could write some stories for the book - just leme know) really wanted him in there.The book will treat every contributer equally whether a well known dealer or the guy with a short tale to tell... will keep youi informed a cut off date has to be soon!
  12. That's a shame ,enjoyed many years of music and general life stories , most recently at the kestrel Burnley a few years ago - where we did the most hilarious record deal i've ever done ! That will be how i will remember him ... my best wishes to close family and frends. A.d
  13. Yes Bob i vaughly remember that conversation ,but can't recall exactly what was said -i'll ask Rob if he can remember. Dave can't argue with that if you've seen ,be interesting to find out for definate..
  14. I'd be astounded if it wasn't Lately singing on both the Aquarius 45's and is also using the name Calvin Golden - of course i can't back it up with any proof other than the voice says it all. Derek from memory Chris Shepards copy came from a soul bowl soul pack a long time ago,cos when he sold his records to Browny i was there and ended up buying that same copy which is a very clean one and still have it to this day,that's when Chris told us the story,he had a fabulous collection and a nice chap too.
  15. Has this been reissued then aswell ? it leaves me scratching my head -no wonder some folk can't be arsed anymore...certainly a odd one as a original,as tricky to find as any of the so called rarest of the rare !
  16. From memory (maybe blurry) 3 stock copies resided with Eddie Holman - i think Larry Clinton died or was killed at the time of release .Whatever the exact events there was only 3 stockers ,presumably withdrawn and skipped.
  17. When Micky got his new teeth he came up to me at Radcliffe " Have you seen me new teeth ? look go on look " " they're alright aren't they , but i'll miss that tooth you had " i replied , he then said " Andy they're fine but i can't hear a fuckin' thing with them in " What i'd give for a few more moments like that - oh aye he bit his tongue when he said "them" ... If any of us would have said and done it ,it just wouldn't have hit the spot ..... such was the natural charisma of the man ! A custom made niter man that can't possibly be replaced ... safe journey micky.
  18. One has to respect the make up and durability of our scene including the record collecting,it has weathered everything that the world economy has thrown at it - for many years ! soul records and their buyers have seen it all ,good and bad - huge loads ,collections all soaked up ! when on the shop floor the passion and appetite for vinyl and knowledge is insatiable week in week out.I don't think there has ever been as many collectors of black music, what the doom and gloom fraternity go by is what happens within certain segments of the game,for example soul-source is one of if not the premier forums-but there is a healthy collecting fraternity that purposely avoid all public networking ,there are so many armchair collectors world wide that i know for a fact are very particular where they buy from and again are very private about there passion.No one can predict the future ,but plenty of the relative new comers to the game aren't aware of the so called cheap 45's that you can't give away (supposedly) -they simply need introducing to them , let's face it it's astounding the amount of 45's many of the seasoned collectors aren't aware of.There are so many factors involved that it's nuts to say it's got 3,5,10 ,20 years left,records are forever if you buy em cos you like them ,which is maybe a little problematic for some.
  19. I have the above mentioned titles, i got a small handfull of the price (pryce) 45 some years ago and think it has something.will have to check but feel i have some more titles from the logo,white label and yellow label i sourced all in memphis.
  20. It's a fabulous northern dancer custom made,Al Wilson wipes the floor vocally with Smokey Robinson.....good job we all see different things in this great music !
  21. When we lived up at al's got to know spyke when he called in, it was always a laugh a minute.sorry to hear this bad news. r.i.p .
  22. The guy who originally found the op-art 45 for me sent a couple of copies of the Barry 45 also (have played it out the odd time) when the op-art 45 started to get some play i got onto my mate to try find another (he pointed out that it had to be rare it was the first copy he'd had in some thirty odd years of digging in canada)eventually he sourced the odd few copies which on the whole came from long time canadian label collectors who wanted decent money for them.I think maybe 7 copies or so came along, but none for some years now apart from the odd one here and there.When i showed interest in other copies my mate did lots of research and found Al Rains who was successful in another line of work - also it turns out a nice guy and still sharp.He sent a full history and listings in connection with the Tiaras,which i #m struggling to find (need it for the book) but remember that the song was written for a lollipop advert at the time -there is a promo leaflet too which is with the other literature (imagine how rare one of the lollies would be ha) There was also another 45 by the Tiaras which he sent which is undocumented that i play covered sometimes (Barry) The Right On 45 was also sent over too,maybe 3 or 4 of those and am sure they are all connected but can't confirm till i find the paperwork.Incidently Browny did buy the op-art 45 when i got another spare and after being relieved of a fair few grand a classic Timmy comment was "really it's like a weak mary wells record!)
  23. Glad you're ok Dave and well done 4 being on the ball when it really counted. atb to you and Stef!
  24. Aye Jock it's bona fida a real release the vinyl ,label certainly generic... also the fact that Craig had been sitting on the stock for some time before sending them over here.One can presume Craig had seen plenty of D.E 45's and maybe at the time was just another record by him? Like you say the two sides are well produced and technically a finnished project and could well have been recorded at Motown..pretty much the full run of the stock copies reside in the same place give or take a short stroll they've been in since pressed - with zilch chance of them ever being available..
  25. Pete it's always hit and miss accurately defining quantity, but at a guess maybe 25 ,i've only had one spare probably 3 or so copies through Kp[[ell the odd ones here and there private collectors under the radar have ,few through the bay.. never the less it's pretty rare !

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