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Everything posted by Dysonsoul

  1. The hey days of Soul Bowl must have been something else, many enthusiasts have looked through large quantities of records while digging in the states - but one can only imagine the unique experience of facing a million Soul 45's all in relative label/ artist order... without the frustrating hinderance of pop,country and polka in the mix ! Like many collectors i came along too late to experience Kings Lynn hands on, but only a fool would doubt the incredible experience and knowledge in all styles and genres of black music that John still purveys to this day.... I think it's fair to say that John's photographic memory has certainly rubbed off on Mark !
  2. Martin told me he first went over in 1968 which i wasn't aware of, i thought it was 1970 like you said .It would be nice to be getting those parcels now from back then ....
  3. I will ask Martin about Nige Martin, but he said the first E.P came from his first visit to coachmans it was off the shelf ( the other copy came some years later) he also got the "love you baby! same time and coachman put him onto the quantity of the white demo's of L.Y.B he found ( he added the stock copies of L.Y.B were all over the place shops,markets and distributors) Koppel brought the copy of i'm gone over and sold it for a quid, because like he said then at the time he couldn't know it was as rare as it was! Once the interview is transcribed properly i will post this part up or better still the video clip. The one thing that is for sure with Martin is that he is straight down the line with his recollections...
  4. I was over at Tod Towers the other week to do a cam corder interview, with Martin Koppel for the digging book ( final piece of the jigsaw hopefully! ) The Eddie Parker 45 came up in connection with one of Martins stories about his good friend Coachmans - He went on to say that he only ever found the "I'm Gone " twice, both from Coachmans on seperate occasions. "That's a hard record to find" he says ... there is of course more to that story (in the book) forward wind 15 years to the early 80's he brought up a chat he and John Anderson had while having dinner stateside. They both agreed that very few guys had ever bought the 45's off the shelves from the actual intended stores or outlets ! Will post some of the video clips up when all printed up ,fabulous stories ... Anyways i've never had a sniff of the Awake thing wonder how many folk have found it on here ?
  5. I've had this 45 for years and i'm positive it is canadian only , over the years tried most of the folk i deal with there and none of them ever found me any.But you are right the the wonders of nature side is brilliant just like a Steve Mancha 60's jobbie infact the backing track reminds me of another record but can't think what ....
  6. The sound file is no problem at all (it will be Saturday though) yes the joint effort was one of the others now you mention it.....i keep my collection by Artist order so labels can take some finding !
  7. When i get home later in the week i'll pull my copy ( the Don't Hurt Me Baby side is one of my favourite down beat sides,rather unique with female lead and male reply ) i have some more things on the label one of which is a garage style but for now i can't remember the artists. I personally am sceptical re the Holloway connection too....
  8. Sterling work Dave, your dedication is something to be proud of - looking forward to the live show !
  9. They should ideally hear them out to see if they like them but i would assume your personal seal of approval of quality should be enough ,especially if you are being good enough to trust them with what is in essence your bread and butter , of course no one wants to be handing out winners just willy nilly..... You are always welcome up at lifeline to do a set of your new stuff !
  10. I certainly believe that some of the unissued Kent's over the years have been short changed due to lack of play prior to official release, there has been a few occasions i would have hammered certain ones and i dare say going back 4-5 years ago when i was taking on more bookings (not so bothered these days) could have maybe helped them on their way. That said i remember Browny playing me the G.W.P c/d and in particular the Lillie Fields - changes track , i just had to cut it and play it to me it can't get any better ,i tried and tried but it never has brought any thing but the odd comment and very little dance floor activity (for me anyway) ... to be honest i've never found anything half as good as that and probably never will ! Then again Ady sent me some of the R.c.a things i thought on the whole the lyrics were too corny etc.. nice dancers but not for me ,out of them Ady sent me the Cavaliers-we go together (slightly diff mix) which i played on radio and various venues people went mad for it. There is so many of them that should be very popular niter wise, i 'm not sure these days who the best people are to play these advance promos , but that is the key to a wider audience - if these people have to wait 2-3 years for royalties 'wages or whatever let em wait - cos that's the way the niter scene conduit is ! Just thought of another one that i still like to play /hear is the Jan Jones - cut loose ... absolutely fantastic ! keep em coming even if it costs the company money , let the good selling alternative music styles finance the soul stuff the dedicated niter/soul public deserves and have earned the right to have the pleasure of Kent's and other modern day reissue logos finds.
  11. Hope you can recover in good shape Ian. All the best Andy d.
  12. Some interesting points in the thread, but the reasons for buying records seems to be the or one of the main reasons - for folk either feeling the need or wanting to sell their collections cos you are either into it or you are not, no real in between (for me anyways) Looking back on the posts it's fair to say that many who have sold up or thinking of selling up are the folk buying records to dj with, which is a personal decision but a fatal one on so many obvious levels.In the mid 80's when i first bought 45's it was for the same reason as i do now and that's because i like them... imagine coming into collecting now and paying 100 quid + per tune building a dj box of 3-400 ,let's say most of them don't work - negativity sets in ,no bookings, skint... sell up ! Think of all the great grass roots records that could have been bought for a fraction of the price ,enjoy at home ,keep em and still have money for groceries with a few quid for next weeks record buy from the 1000's and 1000's on offer.... The big money clowns who ever they may be, are simply paying for their own lack of knowledge or foresight - followers in the upfront genre same as in the oldies genre soon realise what a expensive wagon to jump on it is (needing the flavour of the month 45's) Thankfully there are tons of collectors ,plenty of world wide newcomers all hungry for vinyl, in fact i have noticed a considerable change in the goal posts recently with sales , the amount of sales is healthy and more importantly the sales have been at soul nights and nighters (i've actually started opening my sales boxes again).... Goucher speaks the truth and if you can live to be as old as him and still manage to put the needle on the record then that's a miracle !
  13. Only just read this tragic news - very sad indeed. When me and Dicky were in Chicago a few years ago we stayed with John Ciba, Bob came down to see us to do some record trades etc ... without me and Bob knowing Dicky was filming the whole thing and looking back it was quite funny watching it back home, he was without doubt the ultimate guy in his passion for good music ! Bob then took me, Dicky and Tough Tony Janda (r.i.p ) to your place Rob then to his place - later he insisted on driving us in his rickety old car to a guys house - he said the neighberhood we had to walk through had gone down hill a bit (there had been a recent rise in shootings he added) when we got close to the place he got lost again a good laugh ! I only messaged him last week to cross check some things for one of my stories in the book ,i think he'd just about finished his contribution, sadly i fear that is lost too. I hope you are at peace now. My full respect Bob and sincere thoughts to your family and friends.
  14. That's right Brian ,i think there was 300 pressed legal and above board via Rod , it is definately not a bootleg - I think i was working at Brownys at the time and played it a bit at the time and i feel sure i would have sold Rob one who in turn will have cut it onto a dub to play out (very few if any on the northern scene picked up on it at the time ) and it would have appeared more exclusive looking with one of Robs labels on when he dj'd infact a similar story with the Spencer Wiggins - let's talk it over around the same time... deffo J.Taylor i think unissued stax era ? from memory anyways - two blinding sides either way !
  15. Well done to Mick H and Chalky for a flowing selection of 45's while double decking on the One Show......did anyone spot them ?
  16. Many thanks for recording the show , really fantastic vocalist with loads of range especially at the end where he starts to give it some growl and gravel... i dare say he held back during some of his set maybe wanting to sound more polished for the show ? either way he's premier division and pleased i saw him live !
  17. Yes can just about remember that.. both sides still sound nice and fresh John. Both the releases are definate originals too ! Three figure price tag is a little ambitious though.
  18. Quite right young Dave, suprising just how many 45's he did - he is one of my favourite singers and would have loved to have seen him live !
  19. The s.p 119 and s.p 226 are both the same song and mix from memory,but the 119 has a nice ballad flip and the latter has more of a dancer that also came out on bruboon - I will have to check but sure i got the " i got to love you (baby) a third time with another flip.
  20. The flip to Mr Lucky is a nice deep/slow soul ballad, although on the primative side as one would expect.....
  21. That's a real shame terrible news, that version of billy butler on that black belgium /popcorn boot i will never forget ! i think we all had hours of him trying to convince us, as well as himself it was a bit of something ... another good one lost Bidds ,Radcliffe etc.. won't quite be the same again.all the best Tony.
  22. Apologies to all who got the junk email, Had to change all relative pass words.. so if I get skint in the future i'll send my distress signals by text to your mobiles ....ah thanks to all who let me know. A.
  23. Terry thanks for reply if you could send me Seve's details i'll drop him a line- it's not really a matter of needing material (although it's always great to get new stuff) it's organising the stuff we got but it'll get there...
  24. You speak for yourself Phil ... This project is still 100% happening ! It is just taking longer than first thought... a million and one hurdles to get over which tend to be more complex to the amateurs (like us) in comparison with the more experienced persons.Without rambling on for too long,because i want any monies made to go to charity - we are having to do the biggest part of the process ourselves also transcribing interviews from camcorders is time consuming aswell as pretty funny at times etc. ... got loads of written contributions that said we are at the mercy of some contributers (who have to be included) who are still working on the stories.... not helping much is that i've been split in 20 different directions for the last year and a half.We are very grateful to all who have contributed a true reflection of the community spirit of our soul scene ... dare i say it, but if anyone has any stories by all means get em in just drop us a line. Certainly gonna be pulling our fingers out here with ...
  25. To be honest i think many collectors have become lazy - in some ways like the healthy new wave of vinyl hoarders who have inherited a internet treasure trove of knowledge and seemingly endless supply of original vinyl records, that covers the full spectrum of rarity and price... When i say lazy maybe a different perspective of the cheaper end of the market would be realised if they had to go find these things in the states ! Whatever happened to the excitement and hard graft of trawling through boxes and physically playing every last 45 you didn't know, regardless of it's price tag.. my guess is that more of the collectors on here are missing many of the cheaper end 45's than those that have them ! i dare say it's cos they haven't heard them, the whole criteria of collecting has changed but i still sell plenty of cheap end records that are great ,simply because plenty of people don't know them or own them yet.Those that say the bottom has dropped out years ago ,leave this alone and find something where the bottom hasn't dropped out of .. or dig a little bit deaper !

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