it's always difficult pin pointing exact quantities of records but the tom dieppero story is pretty much correct he did work at motown and did aquire the frank wilson along with the famous haul of unissued motown stuff that he sent to dave withers and rod shard- stafford era, around the same time i worked at browny's and tom paid a visit and gave us the 4 c90's packed with fantastic unissued tracks ie - don't beat arond the bush, boy from crosstown -ect.. a short time before he died, he was a real gent and fantastic fellow the truth is ( i'm sure he won't mind me saying all this stuff was stolen from motown then based on the west coast ) i still have them somewhere ! i know of another frank wilson in the u.k and another in the states but never the less a true rarity that will never come along fact ! sure frank offered a lot of money for it and so did gordy when he bought the most complete collection of motown in excistance from a u.s collector ( that was missing the above named item ) so all in all not a big mystery but a interesting history of a true masterpiece ! andy d.