I just checked some notes I made from a 2 hour cam corder interview I did with Martin, I was wrong on it being his first visit to Detroit that was Late October 1967, So when he saw and bought copies it would have been a year or so later as a new release, his words "they were everywhere". As for him checking the run out details,i couldn't say, but as a rule he is very meticulous with stuff like that, for example when I worked at Anglo everything sent over was in strict alphanumerical order , any label variation, artist ,title misspellings all had his hand written explanation on the sleeve! He goes on to say he found 6 white promos a little later and also at a distributer in Columbus Ohio Masses of E P on Ashford and the Fuzz on Calla etc.. ( which press I dont know) it didn't seem to relevant at the time ( it could be on the dvd - I will re watch it) As a relation to this Archer subject he said in the early 80's he and Coachman planned on visiting the plant but were told the week previous most if not all the remaining dead stock had been recycled due to the soaring oil prices. The lack of data from Archer, proves that half the stuff online is very inconsistent , history gets re written daily on the scene!